Salute To The General

Chapter 974 A Question For You
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Chapter 974 A Question For You

Urgh!Grace immediately felt awkward.This Mr. Cross really doesn't follow the usual rules!

Normally when someone hears something like that, they would say something like, "It's fine. Go ahead and ask.” But instead, |was told that | shouldn't ask!

Could it be because he knows what I'm going to ask?

Nathan knew that Grace was just curious about his identity. But he didn't like to show off, so he stopped her with one sentence.Grace was a Doctor of Medicine. Her 1Q and EQ were beyond all doubts.

With Nathan's attitude, she knew that he was clearly telling her - 'If | don't say anything, don't ask’.

So Grace could only suppress her curiosity and give up on asking Nathan about his


In the backseat, Anthony Hampton's eyes were darting around.

This is the second time Nathan has helped me!

In his eyes, Nathan was simply an unparalleled nobleman with power and wealth. He was basically Anthony's ideal son-in-law.

He didn't have a son, and Grace was his only daughter. Hence, he dreamt to have his daughter be married to an unparallelednobleman like Nathan. This way, he could become wealthy through his daughter.

He darted his eyes around and finally said softly, "Mr. Cross, | have a question for you."

Nathan furrowed his brows. Why does this father-daughter duo have so many questions?

Nonetheless, he said calmly, "What is it?"

"Is it true that you already have a wife?" asked Anthony.

"Yes. Her name's Penny Smith. You've met her before."

Nathan was confused. What is this guy really up to?

"Mr. Cross, you have a wife, but | don't think you have a mistress, right?" asked Anthony.


Grace, who was sitting in the passenger seat, spat out the water she was drinking when she heard the question.

Meanwhile, Nathan had also put on a rare awkward expression on his face.

Grace was blushing furiously. Knowing her father, Grace immediately knew what Anthony was up to when he asked the question.She was utterly shocked and said furiously, "Dad, shut up. No one will think that you're muted even if you stay silent."

But Anthony wasn't about to give up. He was a gambler after all, so of course, he was shameless!

He couldn't help it and said, "My daughter... | just wanted to..."

Grace screamed, "Shut up! Don't think about anything. Don't even think about saying anything. Otherwise, I'm going to sever tieswith you!"

Anthony finally shut up when he saw how agitated his daughter was. Sigh... Mr.

Cross is such a good man. How can you not be moved by him?

Luckily, they arrived at Hope Research Centre and Grace's residence area.

Grace said to Nathan when hestopped the car, "Thank you hfor what agpenediday? Mr. Cross.Wall ay you properly next time.Dad, hurry up and get down from thecar." Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

Grace urged her father to get downright away, afraid that he wosomethin absuc)in Gan of Nathan.ADS , | wouldn't have the face tomeet Nathan and Penny anymore.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.novelbin

When the father-daughter duo finally left his car, Nathan left for home.

Penny had been waiting for Nathanto come home for hourgcshewas!finglysetiadea when she saw that hewas back. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

In the afternoon, Leah made dinner, and the family ate together.

As night fell, Benson wanted to go to the park to have a game of chess, while Leah wanted to exercise.Queenie wanted to visit the park too.

Since Nathan, Penny, and Kylie didn't have anything else to do, the family headed for Venttos Park together.

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