Salute To The General

Chapter 963 Undeserving Of The Uniform
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Chapter 963 Undeserving Of The Uniform

Although Jaime felt hopeless and dismayed internally, he was still holding himself together on the surface.

Wade was the complete opposite. When he realized the tide had turned, his knees gave way, and he crumpled to the groundunceremoniously.

The unpleasant smell of urine and feces wafted off him and permeated the air. He had lost control of his bladder and bowel dueto pure, unadulterated fear.

Franklin looked at the group who had been completely surrounded and were trembling in their boots. "Disarm them!" Hebellowed.

All the rifles owned by Jaime's party were instantly confiscated.Nathan walked towards them, accompanied by Franklin, Colin, and a few other soldiers.

He stared at Jaime, whose face was pale with apprehension and lips were ashen, then shifted his gaze to the miserable figureon the ground. Wade was still sitting in a puddle of his own excretions, a picture of disgrace.

Nathan smirked. "What's wrong with the both of you? Didn't you say you wanted to see what I'm capable of? Why are youregretting your words now?"

Rivulets of tears ran down Wade's face. He lay prostrate on the ground and begged, his voice cracking with emotion, "Mr. Cross,I'm sorry! | made a mistake, and | realize that now. | was stupid for not knowing who | was speaking to. Please, you're a personof benevolence. Please have mercy on me!"

Jaime gingerly lifted a shaky hand to salute Nathan. "C-Commanding Officer...""Do not address me as your commanding officer!" Nathan shot him down immediately.

He then growled, "I distinctly remember you calling me an imposter and accusing me of leaking government secrets just minutesago! You were convinced | was a spy for other countries and that | had committed treason! You even went as far as to lead abattalion of reservists to seize me. So, tell me, am | actually a commanding officer in your eyes?"

Franklin was incensed upon hearing this information. His features twisted in fury as he growled, "Jaime Dylan, your actions areoutrageous. How dare you slander the General and deploy the reservists on an arrest mission without permission! Are you tryingto undermine the military?"

Jaime fell to his knees with a heavy thud.

On the verge of a breakdown, he pleaded, "General, Major-General Wilson, I'm sorry..."

Nathan refuted coldly, "If ‘sorry’ can resolve all problems, there wouldn't be a need for the military discipline and the law!"An ominous feeling gripped Jaime's heart. They're going to punish me severely!

He crawled on all fours toward Nathan and groveled at his feet. He reached out to cling to Nathan's legs.

He knew he could only escape unscathed if Nathan forgave him.

However, Nathan quickly dodged his outstretched hand.novelbin

"Don't kneel and snivel before me! Look at your pathetic self! You're unworthy of your uniform!” Nathan chastised.

He then raised his voice to command, "Take off his clothes and capture both these men! Bring them back to base and punishthem harshly. As for the rest of the reservists, implement better management and reform the entire battalion so that this incidentwill not repeat itself in the future."

"Yes, sir!" Franklin obeyed dutifully.

Jaime and Wade were in a daze. All their hopes of getting away scot-free were dashed; both of them knew that they were donefor this time around.

Jaime and Wade were eventually captured and taken away.

Franklin, too, left the scene and led the army back to the military base. The civil defense siren finally stopped blaring, and the citywas plunged into silence once again.

Normalcy returned to Channing. Itwas as if nothing had happe aunthe first age, saver the citizensthatlwe e racking their brains tryingto figure out what had happenedthrough the night. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

The Cross family had all gathered inthe living room. Benson and Leahwere still in their pets and Parinywag eprrene eb he ad just

en up moments ago. Despitetheir fatigue, they were curious aboutwhat had happened and bombardedNathan with a volley of questions.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Nathan found them endearing and chuckled, "I thought something was up too! | found out later that it was just the annualChanning air force training drill."

Cynical as ever, Penny was skeptical about her husband's explanation. "Is that so? Why did the reservists surround us beforethe actual military arrived to close off this


Nathan simply smiled at her. "Trustme. It's the truth! It was acounter-terrorism-cum-air forcetraining drill where thevesensista"’aorgd as thaiin ders while the realsoldiers had to move in fast tosubdue the enemy. They included thegeneral public to mimic a real-lifesituation. The aim was to train thesoldiers to have faster reflexes inacounter-terrorism mission." Pleaseread the original content at


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