Salute To The General

Chapter 950 Nathan Cross Is The General
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Chapter 950 Nathan Cross Is The General

At that time, Schubert had his face filled with horror. He started to stammer as he struggled to vocalize, "Y-you, y-you are..."

Colin Dunne bellowed, "In case you have not realized, the person here is the commander-in-chief of the entire North army, theGeneral of the North, the God of War, Nathan Cross!"


Schubert Barton was still completely stupefied at the announcement Colin had just made, even though he already had an inklingearlier that Nathan was the General of the North.

He felt all of his blood rushing to his head, and the world around him was starting to spin.


Schubert lost his stance and fell on his knees in front of Nathan Cross.

Cling! Clang!

The sound of all sorts of weapons dropping on the ground was loud and clear.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

In succession to one another, all of Schubert's followers dropped their weapons and fell on their knees.

The nauseating smell of ammonia rippled across the air. It was obvious that many at the scene had lost control of their bladderand wet themselves out of fear.

The General of the North. The God of War.

The man standing ahead was the young General who led hundred thousands of soldiers and had emerged victorious from seasof dead bodies and fresh blood.

The Barton family was just a mere speck of dust when compared to the General.As Schubert Barton and the rest fell on their knees out of fear, the sirens at the secret military base started to wail.Weeeeewwwwwww...

Batches of armed soldiers with rifles on their hands all rushed out from the base and surrounded Schubert Barton and his men inthe blink of an eye.

This had destroyed all intentions the Barton family's men had to escape.Schubert kneeled on the ground and stared at Nathan in despair.

He had started to grasp the reason why the police of Johnstone City or the leaders of the Channing had all protected Nathanwith all they had, even it was at the cost of offending the Barton family.

Furthermore, he had also started to understand why Nathan Cross had the guts to disable and even detain both of his sons.

Alas, he had also finally understood why Nathan had dared to order the Barton family to return three hundred billion to them andrequested him to apologize to him personally on his knees.

Nathan Cross was the General after all!

Sure, the Barton family had power and money, as well as connections within the army ranks of both the legal and illegal tradingbureaus.

But still, the Barton family could not afford to offend anyone that had already reached the rank that Nathan was holding.Not to mention, the Barton family had built its empire on businesses.

They were the leading dealer in the nationwide pharmaceutical industry and held monopolies over many expensive drugs. Theywere one of the richer clans in the eight of the nation’s most renowned families.

However, in terms of power and influence, the Barton family was the weakest among the eight.To be more accurate, the Barton family was not a clan of power but rather a clan of fortune.

The Barton family could afford to bully the usual wealthy families and corporations, but they were completely powerless againstmilitary big shots like Nathan Cross.

At this time, Franklin Wilson stepped ahead and gave an order to all of the soldiers at the scene, "Capture everyone here! Theyhad all had malicious intentions to harm the General and had all openly trespassed the army grounds. Whoever tried to resist orrun away, put them down!"

Cackle!The sound of bullets being loaded echoed throughout the place.

Following that, up to ten thousandarmed soldiers had aligned thegzzles.of thei WARS tow wards thebunch of people from the Barton

family. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

The lot had lost all hope, and perhaps even the will to live anymore.

Meanwhile, Schubert Barton wasfilled with hatred, which was@l()1\)ratte cat awa vA StUBid sons,

A of whom had provoked one hellof a character. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

If only they had stuck to their usual prey and not overstepped their limits.Schubert was so resentful that he wanted to strangle the two of them alive.The Barton family had to pick their next steps in full caution; any missteps could send them to their demises.

He had nothing to lose any more at that point. Immediately, he kowtowed to Nathan and stammered, "Mr. Barton at yourdisposal, General!"

All of the Barton family's people followed in his lead and bleated with terror deep in their souls, "We are at your disposal,General!"


Nathan laughed in disdain as he sethis gaze upon Schubert Barton andhis men, "Wait, appears sO"cc pid helidt? you say youwant to kill off all of my friends andrelatives then trample on my wife?Why are you guys kneeling Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.


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