Salute To The General

Chapter 944 Now It Is Time For Payback
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Chapter 944 Now It Is Time For Payback

Nathan stared at Mickey Barton and the rest coldly and spat, "Does the lot of you still want to annihilate all of us?”Mickey swallowed his saliva with difficulty and began to stutter.

Meanwhile, Nathan's face darkened, "Answer me!"

Then, Mickey summoned up courage and muttered, "I think we have had a bit of a misunderstanding..."

Nathan snickered, "Then why didn't you say so earlier when you were trying to taking us down?"

“Aman should fight for their own beliefs till they drop off on the ground. You guys are just making me look down on you more!"Nathan scorned.

Mickey's face was full of shame and anger. He was the second master of the Barton family, and no matter where he went, hewas treated as a guest of honor. Even the mayors of all cities had to pay him their respects.

He had always had things his way until he was shamed by Nathan tonight.

Nathan then said indifferently, "Now it is time for payback."

His eyes first landed on Tom Barton and spat, "Didn't you want to do something to my wife and my daughter?"

Tom Barton's face was as pale as a sheet of paper. He started to shake involuntarily and trembled as he spoke, "I-l..."Nathan mumbled coldly, "A rat like you cannot get off without a lecture."

"Colin, castrate him!"

As soon as Nathan had finished his orders, Colin Dunne made his move.

All of the remaining Robed Guards had yet to react to Nathan's words when Colin had appeared in front of Tom and plunged hissword into Tom's pants.

Swish!In just a blink of an eye, the sword swung, and Tom's pants were already covered in blood.What came after was Tom's excruciating shriek, "Aaargh..."

Nathan then turned to Jerry Barton and said impassively, "| asked you to personally apologize to the injured at the hospital. Yet,who knew you would make things worse by injuring all the family members of the victims and attacked the police for a secondtime."

Upon hearing that, Jerry was in complete terror, "I..."Nathan barked, "Colin, smash up all of his limbs!"

Standing at one side, Mickey and the rest of the Barton family's lackeys were all covered in rage and horror. Should we all rallyup against Nathan right now?

But as they looked at the corpses of their comrades around them, as well as the dead bodies of Kahn Kendrick and Yaakov Zelli,they eventually canceled their thought. It would have just sent them to their deaths.

Colin was quick as lightning on his hands. In just a matter of a few seconds, he had completely pulverized all four of Jerry's limbsin front of everyone.

Now even if Jerry had completely recovered from his debilitating injury, there was no way his limbs could be of any use to himanymore. He was basically crippled.

Nathan's eyes then fleeted to Mickey Barton and the rest.

He was indignant, "All of you Barton people have no regard for the rules. Do you really think you can kill anyone as you want?Who had given you the right to act above the law?"

Hearing that, Mickey Barton toughened up and said, "Nathan, we are one of the nation's eight most revered families. I'd adviseyou to hold back and let us off the hook."

Nathan heard Mickey's words and snickered, "Heh, did you guys hold back when you hurt the police, the SWAT team, and all theinnocent people?"

"Did you plan to hold back just now when you said you wanted to kill all of us?”“Now that you have fallen into my hands, you want me to hold back?”“All of you are not even worthy to speak to me on your feet. | want all of you on your knees! NOW!"

Nathan's words had just come out of

his mouth when Colin Qunneangltheite Fighb @s aD ena Dunn

and the Thunderstorm, had madetheir moves. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Mickey Barton and his followers couldn't resist at all. Everyone knew that whoever dared to fight back would be slaughtered righton the spot.

It didn't take long for Mickey and his subordinates to be stripped of their weapons and be kneeling in front of Nathan.To them, it was an utter disgrace for the second master of the Barton family to be kneeling in front of Nathan - a nobody.That was the most humiliating moment in Mickey Barton's life.

He raised his head and looked atNathan with total resentmen

spat out "Natharnyeieare in troublenow. ¥0 rname will forever be onthe Barton family's hit list!” Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"You have offended the almightyBarton family, and now, you i-aveone more enemuwhiswants yourHeal tt. 'You will be so scared thatyou regret the day you were born intothis world!" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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