Salute To The General

Chapter 933 Why Work For Evil
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Chapter 933 Why Work For Evil

Nathan leveled his gaze on Anthony and admitted honestly, "I'm your daughter's boss. The only reason why I'm helping you nowis because of her. If you don't even dare to tell me how much you owe him, | can't help you."

Anthony stared at Nathan in shock, locking gazes with the man.novelbin

When he saw the firm resolve in his eyes, a strange feeling arose in him. He did not know why, but he just knew that the manstanding before him now could definitely save him.

Ah, f*** it!

There was no way he could actually admit that he owed Jerry one billion; that was nine hundred million more than he reallyowed! He would not be able to earn that much even if he worked for ten lifetimes!

Throwing caution out the window, Anthony shouted, "I really only owe him one hundred million. However, he keeps insisting that |owe him one billion! Grace, Mr. Cross, you have to save me!"

Truthfully, Jerry had not expected Anthony to rebel, even after having one ear sliced off.Incensed, he cursed, "D*** you! Tiger, chop off his other ear!"

"Yes, sir!"

The bodyguard with the katana, Tiger, lifted the weapon up high and brought it down, intending on slicing off Anthony's right ear."Dad!"


Grace and Penny screamed in shock and horror.

Terrified, Anthony instinctively squeezed his eyes shut and braced himself for the pain to come.

In that split second before the katana could touch him, Nathan moved.

Reaching out his left hand, Nathan easily gripped the blade with two fingers.

Tiger's eyes shot wide open in surprise.

How did he manage to stop my weapon with just two fingers!

He had seen people grabbing a blade with their bare hands, but never had he seen someone using their fingers only!

Everyone else was equally as shocked.

Bill perked up in interest, as a serious expression crossed his face.

Before Tiger could come back to his senses, Nathan had already snatched the katana from his hands.

With a deft swing, Tiger's left arm was sliced off at the shoulder.

"Ahhh!" Tiger's agonized screams reverberated throughout the entire hall.

Nathan looked down at the man rolling on the floor, clutching the bleeding stump that used to be his arm. His voice was glacialas he uttered, "That'll teach you a lesson!"

The rest of the Barton family's elites were enraged at seeing one of their own dismembered.

They did not even wait for Jerry's order to attack as they yelled, "Kill him!"

Pulling out their own katanas, they charged at Nathan menacingly.

Penny called out, "Hubby, watch out!"

Nathan's reaction was to smile. Lifting the incredibly sharp, yet thin katana in his hands, he flicked his wrist.Ting!

The blade shattered into pieces before flying towards the group of men like a razor storm.


"Ugh!" ‘Ahhh!

The men dropped like flies, letting out pained screams, as the blades embedded themselves in their skin.Several pieces were still hurtling toward Jerry and Bill.

Jerry paled, as imminent death stared him in the face.

Luckily for him, Bill's hand darted out and swatted the blades away.

The Hamptons and Penny were amazed at Nathan's abilities.

Jerry, too, was shaken by how closehe had come, to death.) ill, bela lot

owerfultan Nia thought! |pwincitiea ‘ll have to personally handlehim." Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

Bill fixed his gaze on Nathan and muttered slowly, "You're quite skilled. Care to show me more?"

Taking in the confident and

intimidating air around Bi |, Nathar |eq NYoure Bb Viouly aean man yourself, yet why doyou work for evil?" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

The other man snorted. "Good andevil is a matter ofp sopstive REight talséé ho's the betterman!" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Lips twitching into a smile, Nathan had his hands clasped behind his back as he replied, "Bring it on!"Rating the Translation Will Gain Two Pearls.


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