Salute To The General

Chapter 890 Your Rank Is Too Low To Arrest Me
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Chapter 890 Your Rank Is Too Low To Arrest Me

Ata military base in the remote countryside of Johnstone City.Dressed in a colonel's uniform, Harold Harvey strode out of the barracks with thirty of his men.All the soldiers who caught sight of him stopped in their tracks to give him a crisp salute.

Although he was only a colonel - not a particularly high rank - he was Captain of the National Guards for General Ziegler. Mostdays, he could be seen shadowing the commander-in-chief and was practically his right-hand man.

Not only that, but he had also become a favorite of the General because of his combat skills. Whether it was marksmanship orfighting skills, he was considered to be the best among the soldiers. That was why everyone awarded him a considerableamount of respect.

Climbing agilely into the passenger seat of a military truck, Harold commanded the driver, "To Johnstone Hotel.”

At the back, his men piled into the truck before sitting down in two rows across from each other.

When they were done, the truck roared out of the gates like some metal beast.

At the entrance to Johnstone Hotel, Nathan, Penny, Kylie, and Colin were waving goodbye to Johann and the others.

Smiling and with a wave of his hand, Nathan said, "Gentlemen, you've already escorted us from the restaurant all the way backhere. We're going back to our rooms to rest now, so you should hurry on home, too!"

Johann and his entourage nodded before preparing to leave in their cars.

At that moment, a military truck appeared at the far end of the street. Like a rampaging animal, it completely ignored the redtraffic light and charged toward Johnstone Hotel.

When Johann and the rest realized the truck was barreling towards them, their faces fell in shock and fear.Somebody even moved in front of Johann to protect him, yelling, "Protect the Mayor!"

However, the driver slammed on the brakes when the truck was ten meters away from the stunned group.Screeeeech!

Less than two meters away, the truck finally came to a halt, leaving two trails of tire marks on the road.Moving forward, Dean bellowed in anger, "Who are you? What kind of driving is that? Get out here right now!"There was a flicker before Harold jumped down from the cab that was nearly two meters above the ground.He narrowed his eyes at Dean. "You dare order me?"

Noticing the rank on Harold's uniform,

Dean was dumbfounded. His voice was weak when he said, "Captain Harvey! You -

Before he could finish speaking, Harold had already lifted his hand to give him a slap across the cheeks.Smack!

For a moment, Dean was stupefied. Then, as his face began to redden, shame and fury welled in him.

The slap had not been very hard but it was incredibly humiliating for him.

Dean's fingers curled into fists and he shook with his rage. It took a great amount of effort for him not to lash out, but hesucceeded in forcing back his anger.

After all, he really did not have any other choice. Despite the two were of the same rank, Harold was also Captain of the NationalGuards.

Even if that was not the case, he was still no match for Harold. Dean would just end up getting annihilated by Harold if they wereto square off each other, so Dean had to endure!


Harold glanced at Johann and therest before snorting disdainfully. "I!here to arrest sopyeeel iherfoynityltol a with you, so you hadbetter not interfere in military affairs.Otherwise, there will beconsequences!" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Johann and the other leaders paled in response.By this point, Harold's men had exited the truck and were arrayed behind him.

Disregarding Johann, Harold stalkedtoward Nathan waepstgenc Om”Fela wacia hin. Votre Nathan Cross?"he asked with a Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.


Just by looking at their uniforms,Nathan could iLthese Ben werefon the West Army. Please read the

original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Nathan quirked his lips in a smile. "Yeah."

Narrowing his eyes, Harold uttered coldly,

"Good, then we have the right person. Men, arrest him!""Arrest me? Your rank is too low for that!” Nathan commented.

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