Salute To The General

Chapter 888 You Sure You Want My Son To Do That
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Chapter 888 You Sure You Want My Son To Do That

Clarence and Lincoln were so furious they were about to explode!They turned their attention on Johann and cried out, "Mr. Mayor, he—"

"| think that Mr. Cross was right in his actions. If you two are unable to discipline your sons, we can do it for you. What say you,gentlemen?” Johann interrupted calmly.

The fathers hurriedly assured, "No need! We can manage ourselves."

The mayor ordered curtly, "Then compensate the restaurant for their losses and get lost. Bring your sons with you.There had better not be a next time, or you won't be so lucky!"

"Yes, yes! Of course!"

Paying the restaurant for the damages incurred, the two men fled the scene as fast as they could with their sons.All that remained was Edmund.

He had gotten increasingly pale given the events he had just witnessed. In fact, he was now as white as a sheet.

He had brought his two friends and a bunch of men with him to teach Nathan a lesson. Not only did that fail to happen, but hisfriends even had their legs broken and were whisked away by their fathers like two disobedient children.

He shuddered to imagine what would happen to him.

Right then, a convoy of eight Maybachs led by a Lincoln limousine came to a stop at the entrance of the restaurant.Aman in a black suit stepped out of the limousine. It was Fletcher Harvey.

Behind him, more than a dozen men in suits got out of the Maybachs.

Fletcher swept a glance around, noting the alarming number of SWAT members stationed everywhere. Ignoring them, he strodeinto the restaurant with his men close behind.

As if he had seen his savior, Edmund called out in a quavering voice, "Dad!"novelbin

In response, Fletcher raised his hand and gave his son a resounding slap across the cheeks. He chided, "Didn't | tell you to stayout of trouble?"

His son bowed his head, not daring to speak.

Next, Fletcher made his way to Johann and the other leaders. Apologizing to each individual, he said, "| have failed in teachingmy son and caused you undue trouble. My apologies, Sirs.”

"Mr. Harvey, time and again, your son has tried to cause trouble for Mr. Cross. You should be apologizing to him as well," Johannstated.

At this, Fletcher turned to look at Nathan.

Nathan locked gazes with the man. Their eyes were calm, yet there was an undercurrent of danger lurking in their depths.At last, Fletcher spoke up, "Mr. Cross, how would you like my son to make it up to you?"

"His friends had both their legs broken," Nathan mentioned casually.

Acold glint flashed through Fletcher's eyes and his voice was hard. "You want to break my son's legs as well?"

Chuckling, Nathan replied, "Mr. Harvey, you are an influential man deserving of respect. Doing that to your son would be a littleover the line. How about this; he just needs to apologize to me. However, it has to be on his knees!"

Fletcher narrowed his eyes when he heard the last sentence.

Having his son get down on hisknees in front of him was. gidarel |iigtionahad having his legsbroken. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Inwardly fuming, his tone was eerilyplacid when he said, "Nathan “3

are you sure y Ou yAnenty sorta dothat? What oe around comesaround. Burn your bridges now andyou won't have a way to cross theriver in the future." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Curling his lips in a smirk, Nathan answered, "Just do it and stop wasting my time!"

Fletcher gritted his teeth and instructed his son, "Edmund, kneel down and apologize to him."

"Dad?" Edmund questioned hoarsely.


Left without a choice, Edmund fell to his knees before Nathan. Bowing his head, he muttered, "Sorry."

"| accept your apology. The Harveyshad better be More npinigful ia

f satan al with a smile.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Fletcher's expression was blank as he watched Nathan. "Brat, this isn't over between us."

Rating the Translation Will Gain Two Pearls.

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