Salute To The General

Chapter 873 There Are No Women In The West Whom I...
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Chapter 873 There Are No Women In The West Whom I...

Edmund proclaimed with a smile, "We hadn't known each other in the past. However, fate brought us together at the airport.From now on, we'll get to know each other."

"Pretty lady, from the moment I'd met you, I'd fallen in love with you.""Be my girlfriend!"

Penny waved her hands hurriedly, in refusal. "I'm sorry, but I'm already married. You'd found the wrong person. Please leave

now.She's married?

Ayoung bride!

No wonder she appears so attractive.Edmund smirked. "I don't care."What?

Penny and the rest were stunned.

She felt shocked and furious. What kind of man is he? How dare he confess his love so brazenly, despite knowing that I'mmarried? He'd even said that he doesn't care. How shameless!

Edmund surmised with an ambiguous smile, "I'm not bragging, but there are no women in the West whom | cannot conquer.Pretty lady, do you agree to be my girlfriend?”

Penny was prepared to burst into a rage when four black SUVs zoomed towards Edmund.

His subordinates rushed forward and pushed him aside, barely avoiding a car accident.

However, the roses which Edmund had laid on the ground were now crushed pathetically, by the four SUVs.

Edmund was stunned. How dare someone try to drive a car into him, crushing the roses that he had lain, upon the ground?

Then, Nathan alighted the car. Without even casting a glance at Edmund, he called out to Penny with a smile, "Honey, I'mslightly late because there was a traffic jam on the way here. Get in!"

Penny nodded. "Okay!”Then, Penny and the rest got into the car.The four SUVs sped away swiftly.

Edmund only regained his senses after a while. His expression turned vicious instantly. "D*** it! Find out who the woman and theb****** are. I'll definitely refuse to spare them."

His subordinates responded quickly, "Yes, Young Master Harvey."

Nathan had already booked a presidential suite in Paradise Hotel.

However, he had decided to arrange for Penny and the rest to reside in another hotel.

After all, things kept happening, here at the Paradise Hotel. It was simply unsuitable for them to stay there with him.

When they arrived at the hotel, Nathan, Penny, Kylie, and the senior management of Cross Group walked into the lobby. On theother hand, Colin and the Elite Eight did not follow them, soon disappearing.

Nathan did not like to be surrounded by people. Hence, Colin and the other guards had tried not to reveal themselves in public.Instead, they protected Nathan in secret.

Once Nathan, Penny, and the rest entered the hotel lobby, a man with greasy slicked hair and black glasses walked up towardsthem. He exclaimed in surprise, "Hey! Aren't you Penny Smith, my cousin?"

When Penny saw him, she was taken aback for a while. It took her a few seconds to recognize him. Surprised, she asked, "Areyou Edric Carman, the distant cousin who'd lived in our family that year?”

Checking Penny out, Edric mused with a chuckle, "That's right. You've finally recognized me."


Penny did not expect to see a distantrelative here. She had-been cotat''faohwite hittfor over ten years!Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

She asked curiously, "Do you work here?"

Edric pointed at the work badge pinned on his suit. The words ‘General Manager’, was written on it.

Penny exclaimed in surprise, "So you're the general manager of Johnstone City's International Grand Hotel!”Edric gave her a humble smile. "Haha! I'm simply trying to earn a living. What are you doing here?"

Penny grinned and explained, "We're here on a business trip."

Edric nodded. "You're probably asmall manager or salespersaniinldnyvight? Hoo, have worked insuch jobs before." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

"Despite working my butt off, I'd barely earned anything!" "Then, | changed my job, deciding to enter

the hotel industry. Now, I'm thegeneral manager Of acpte vor tWojanegaring dteast amillionamonth." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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