Salute To The General

Chapter 870 The Attack Of Furies
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Chapter 870 The Attack Of Furies

In the presidential suite of Paradise Hotel, Nathan had just received a call from Penny. She had just arrived at the airport withKylie and wanted him to pick them up.

Hanging up the call, he smiled bitterly.When Colin saw that, he was stunned. "What's wrong, General?"

Nathan shook his head, looking as if he was at a loss for words. "Penny and Kylie, along with a few members of Cross Group'ssenior management, have arrived at the West. They told me to pick them up."

Colin was stunned. "Oh! Madam is here!"

Nathan smiled bitterly. "She said that they are here to find a suitable agent in the West to help Cross Group market the livercancer vaccine in the West."

“Actually, that's not her real motive. After knowing that | came here to investigate my father's death, she came over becauseshe's worried."

Colin was at a loss for words too. He whispered, "Madam is just concerned about you!"

Nathan waved his hands. "Go and prepare the car with the Elite Eight. I'll change into another set of clothes before comingdown."

Colin and the Elite Eight answered simultaneously, "Yes, sir!"

After changing his clothes, Nathan exited the room and walked straight to the lift.


The lift doors opened quickly and he walked in.

At that moment, a dozen men wielding sharp knives dashed out from both ends of the corridor. Yelling, they charged into the lift.Immediately, the lift doors closed slowly.

At Paradise Hotel's lobby, Neville stood in front of the lift door with a menacing smile. He mumbled to himself, "We don't needFuries for such a menial task like killing Nathan. My men can handle it."

From a concealed area, far away, Juno and his men observed the situation as well.

Soon, the lift descended from the twentyeighth floor to the ground floor.

Ding! The lift door opened.

Neville laughed delightedly. "Haha! Guys, you've already killed Nathan, right? Drag his corpse out..."

Before he finished his sentence, he paused, as the delighted smile on his face froze.

In immense shock, he saw Nathan standing coldly in the lift, while his men were all sprawled out across the floor.What?

Although a dozen men charged into the lift, Nathan had knocked them all out cold.

Neville widened his eyes and his jaw fell.

When Juno and his men observed this scene from afar, they gasped simultaneously.

Chills ran down their spines. Oh my God! | can't believe how strong Nathan is. It's a good thing that | didn't fight him back then.Nathan strode out of the lift, his black leather shoes tapping on the floor as he walked.

He walked towards Neville, looked at his strange expression, and smiled. Pointing at the white handkerchief inside the left breastpocket of Neville's suit, he announced calmly, "My shoes have bloodstains on them. Can | borrow your handkerchief to wipethem away?"

Neville's eyes glinted and a hostile look flashed across his eyes. With a smile, he complied, "Of course, of course..."

As he spoke, he pretended to whip out his handkerchief. However, a sharp dagger slid from his sleeve secretly. Grabbing thedagger, he aimed to stab it in Nathan's direction, all while yelling, "Die!"

Nathan lifted his hand and punched Neville's face.

The bones in Neville's jaw shattered, leaving a deep indent on his face. With blood spurting out of his mouth, he collapsed to theground.

Narrowing his eyes, Nathan lifted hisleg and wiped the blood on hi Shaeson Neville's suit The NOwe ed outdpe bby slowly, while Juno andthe rest stood there in astonishment.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

When Nathan exited the hotel, therewere a few black SUVs Cem ssnhim at th entranoslGakin opened thebadk ang the SUV car, which waswaiting at the front, for him. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

When Nathan was about to get into the car, he suddenly sensed a powerful murderous aura engulfing him.Pausing, Nathan looked in the direction where the murderous aura came from.

He saw a lean middle-aged man with a huge birthmark on his left cheek standing

on the streets, staring at him coldly as if he were a butcher observing a soon-to-be-slaughtered cow.Naturally, the man with the birthmark was Furies.

When their eyes met, a surprised look appeared in both their eyes.

The corners of Furies’ lips curved upinto asmile. Like a hunter who hadspotted a powerful prey, ge Kebalrefrag pian@prbbidimed, "Haha! I'dexpected this to be a simple task, butI'd never expected the target to be anexpert. How interesting!" Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Rating the Translation Will Gain Two Pearls.novelbin

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