Salute To The General

Chapter 868 The Three Heroes Of The West Told Me To Do It
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Chapter 868 The Three Heroes Of The West Told Me To Do It

Looking at Nathan's terrifyingly calm face, Harrison started to become afraid for an unknown reason. With a mix of shock andfear, he asked, "What are you going to do?"

Nathan had already stopped looking at him. He instructed Colin calmly, "Bring him to the toilet and teach him a lesson. Let himlearn how to answer questions properly."

Glancing at Harrison like a slaughter-man, he agreed, "Yes, sir."

Harrison started to tremble in fear. "What are you guys going to do to me?"

Colin yelled, "Bring him away!"

Instantly, two men in the Elite Eight walked forward, grabbing Harrison and leading him to the bathroom in the suite.Carrying a black briefcase filled with various torture equipment, Colin followed them and shut the door behind him.Soon, Harrison's shrieks of horror could be heard from the bathroom.

Nathan waited patiently with a calm expression.

As an all-rounded official in the North Army, not only was he skilled in artillery and combat, rather, he was also top-notch when itcame to torture.

Whenever foreign spies fell into Colin's hands and were interrogated personally by him, they would confess everything,regardless of how strong they were.

Harrison was nothing compared to Colin. He would definitely spill everything.

Within ten minutes, Colins walked out with two of the Elite Eight. They were carrying Harrison, who was covered in blood and onthe brink of death.

Colin muttered coldly, "Confess everything to the General. If you dare to hide any details, you'll regret being born."

Harrison was sprawled out, in front of Nathan. Raising his bloody face, his eyes were filled with terror and despair. It was evidentthat his willpower had disappeared, after being tortured by Colin.

With a trembling voice, he confessed, "Master Cross, it's none of my business. It was the Three Heroes of the West who'dinstructed me to throw your father off the balcony."

A furious look flashed across Nathan's eyes. However, his voice sounded calmer, "The Three Heroes of the West?”

Harrison explained, "They are Fletcher Harvey, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of the West, along with Mark Zieglerand Jeremiah Donne, the two elders."

Fletcher Harvey, Mark Ziegler and Derrick Donne!Nathan memorized their names secretly.Looking at Harrison coldly, he asked, "Why had they do that?"

Enduring the pain from his wounds, Harrison replied with a trembling voice, "Mr. Harvey and the rest heard that thepharmaceutical organization that Zayn Cross had funded was starting to develop a medicine for liver cancer. They realized that itwas a way for them to earn a fortune."

"Mr. Harvey invited Zayn Cross over, to develop the medicine together."“However, they did not expect him to refuse!"

“Hence, Mr. Harvey and the rest drugged his drink, causing him to hallucinate. While he was in an unclear state of mind, hesigned the transfer contract for the liver cancer medicine. They'd even taken more than two-hundred billion away from the CrossFamily's bank account."

"Ultimately, he told me to lead Zayn Cross, who was groggy from being drugged to the balcony, to push him off.”Bang!Nathan punched the glass table, which had instantly shattered into pieces.

Harrison was so fearful, that he had sprawled across the ground, kowtowing continuously. "Please spare my life, Master Cross.I've already told you everything. Please forgive me this once. I've already learned my mistake."

Taking in a deep breath, Nathan announced coldly, "You're begging for mercy now. Why didn't you spare my father's life backthen?”novelbin

After speaking, Nathan ordered, "Colin, bring him to the balcony.”

When Colin heard him, he affirmed in a deep voice, "Yes, sir!"

He waved his hands. Two members of the Elite Eight walked over and carried Harrison forcefully.

Harrison was not foolish either. He had pushed Zayn Cross off the balcony, a week ago in this hotel.

Now that Nathan ordered his men to bring Harrison to the balcony, he keenly aware of what was going to happen to him.Hence, he struggled wildly to free himself, pleading pitifully, "Master Cross, I've learned my mistake. Please spare me!"Colin shouted coldly, "Bring him away!”

Soon, Harrison was led away forcefully.

Sitting in the office in the hotel, JunoPacker grew increasingly uneas restood up sudd geahbed hephoneiahadal ed Fletcher Harvey,the President of the Chamber ofCommerce of the West. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

If something bad had happened to Harrison in his hotel, he would not be able to bear the consequences.

When he dialed the number, a pitifulscream sounded from outsi

window. A burpecnigtie Fe rapidlyfhohh th sky, crashing down onto thestreets below. It was none other thanHarrison. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Juno's eyes widened instantly!Fletcher's voice sounded from the phone. "Hello, Mr. Packer. What's the matter?”

Juno's expression soon morphedinto one of terror. His voice teraiedas he repor detemHanvey,Brag ad has happened.Harrison, your subordinate, fell fromthe building." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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