Salute To The General

Chapter 863 I Am Not Here To Reason With You
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Chapter 863 I Am Not Here To Reason With You

One of his underlings immediately grabbed a chair for Juno Packer when he approached Nathan.

Sitting down before Nathan, Juno sized him up, flashing him a smile before he chirped, "! don't think we've met before, as | can'tseem to remember you. How can | help you?"

Meanwhile, Soul Reaper and the hundred bodyguards focused their gazes upon Nathan and Colin.

Nathan was still composed, as he responded, "You might not know of me, but I'm certain that you're no stranger, to my father.Thus, I'm here to ask you about him."

Juno frowned slightly as he asked, "May | know who your father is?"

Nathan replied calmly, "He is Mr. Cross!"

Cross? Juno was momentarily shocked as he soon asked, "Are you Zayn Cross's son from Northania?"

Nathan immediately continued, "Since you're aware that I'm Zayn Cross's son, you should also know why I'm here today."

As soon as Nathan had finished, Juno raised his brows, giving off a sneer, "Are you here to collect more information about yourfather's suicide? Hehe, wasn't the announcement clear enough? Your father died because he'd jumped off the building!"

Meanwhile, Nathan grabbed a box of Dragon Cigarettes, as he took one out, casually. After lighting it, he smoked for a bit andresponded calmly, "Mr. Packer, how much is your net worth?"

Juno felt that his question was odd. Nonetheless, he answered him anyway, "Well, | only have some properties worth over tenbillion."

Immediately, Nathan added, "Have you ever thought about jumping off from a building to commit suicide?"At this moment, Juno replied furiously, "Why would | choose to jump off from a building when I'm doing well now?"

Nathan nodded and chided, "That's right. My father had a net worth of over a hundred billion, which was ten times more thanyour wealth. Besides, since the liver medicine that he'd invested in had become successfully invented, he would've possessedunlimited wealth in the future. Why would he jump off from a building, given that an ordinary person such as yourself wouldn't doit?"

Juno Packer plastered on a poker face and merely stated, "As for this question, | think you should've asked him this, instead of


As Nathan still sat on the couch, he smoked for a while again and replied, 'Td wished to ask him this too, but unfortunately, he'dpassed away. Therefore, | had no other choice but to ask you this. A five-star hotel like yours surely has security camerasinstalled around every corner. So, | would like to request for the footage on the day my father jumped off, from the building.”

However, Juno merely waved his hand, answering dismissively, "When the police were here, I'd informed them that there was nofootage of Mr. Cross because some of our security cameras had happened to malfunction on that unfortunate day."

Much to Juno's surprise, Nathan responded, "I'm not a police officer, and I'm not here to reason with you. What matters is that |believe that you are in possession of the footage."

Juno could not help but stare at Nathan in disbelief when he heard it.

As he grew increasingly furious, Junosneered, "Hehe, it appears th thengot no choice bycraldannn that thereealncecs | suppose that I'llhave to hand it over to you." Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Nathan agreed, "That's right.”


Moments later, Juno flashed him awicked smile and queried, "O

you'd dar 19 intentdatel me?Spybrahas, I'm not afraid at all,since I'd been through many Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

ups-and-downs, establishing myselfamongst all the prominent figures inthe West. Let me b eharest with youlag hayertiie Barenh before yourfather had jumped off from thebuilding. However, it won't be easy,for you to get it from me.” Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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