Salute To The General

Chapter 847 Nathan Cross Is The General
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Chapter 847 Nathan Cross Is The General

Warren Quirke and his troops saw the bloody scene in front of them and shuddered.He quickly released an order, "All soldiers, prepare yourselves for battle!""Yes sir!"

Felix Quirke and the army of reserve soldiers dispersed in a uniform manner, getting themselves into a battle formation, as if theywere facing a big threat.

Rowan Yaleman and Chad Yaleman glanced at the heavily-armed and well-trained soldiers before exchanging an excited gazewith one another. A spark had rekindled in their eyes. Even if Nathan Cross has the nine lives of a cat, he will surely die!

The two of them glanced in Nathan's direction, as they pictured him cowering in complete terror and despair, kneeling on hisknees to plead for mercy.

Unfortunately, they were left in utter disappointment.Nathan had his hands behind his back, and his face was still as calm as ever. His lips were curled up into an ambiguous smile.

Warren Quirke declared in a loud tone, "| am Major General of the Fearless Warriors reserve unit from the West. | order all of youthugs to surrender your weapons and put your hands up in the air!"

“Anyone who dares to resist will be executed right away!"

Nathan Cross smirked and mocked blandly, "My Warren, how different you are now, from our meeting yesterday! You are quitethe mighty general, huh?"

The familiar voice quickly registered in Warren Quirke's mind.

He started to appear anxious, once Nathan Cross was done speaking.

He stared at the person who had just finished speaking and squinted his eyes, as he scrutinized his face.Boom! The person who was speaking seconds ago was none other than Nathan Cross.

Warren's body was trembling as if he was struck by thunder.

He froze upon the spot.

He had recognized the man in front of him. That man was the General of the North whom he had just conducted a meeting with,yesterday, at the army base in Channing.

Nathan Cross is the General!This discovery caused his body to tremble uncontrollably.

All Warren had in his mind was that he was done for. He had just brought in a whole troop of forces and declared war on theGeneral. He had just landed himself in hell.

The troop under Warren's command and the Yaleman brothers had yet to notice the odd expression on Warren's face.

Felix Quirke, the leader of the army who was under Warren's direct command, overheard Nathan's brazen speech to his superiorand ordered two of the reserve soldiers, "Go and capture the rascal over there!"

“How dare you!”

Warren let out a ferocious gruntle and gave Felix Quirke a kick that sent him flying.

The Yaleman brothers were frozen at the sight of that.

In fact, all of the soldiers were frozen in shock.

Why had Warren Quirke gotten so angry that he gave his dearest subordinate a flying kick?Everyone was in total bewilderment.

Warren Quirke turned over and bellowed at all of his subordinates, "All of you, retreat from your positions immediately! | want thebattle formation broken down this instant! Safety locks to be switched on, on all weapons. If anyone fires a gun, | will personallytake you down!"

“Roger that, sir!”

The entire army could not seem to wrap their heads around the situation, but nonetheless, they followed the orders from theirsuperiors immediately.

If Warren Quirke wanted them to retreat from their battle formation and put on the safety locks on their rifles, they had to doeverything as he had commanded.

The Yaleman brothers were deeply perplexed by Warren's confusing act.Are they not taking Nathan Cross down anymore?Why has Warren disengaged all of his troops from their battle positions, forbidding them from firing?

Chad Yaleman had thought that they were minutes away from getting their revenge when Warren Quirke had soon ordered foreveryone to retreat.

He grew anxious all of a sudden and

questioned Warren iB by, "\WarrehlWe Pe dairy? bida’t youpromise me to take care of NathanCross just now?" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Warren Quirke's expression morphed

when he heard those w rds escapelad's mauihiNerdised an arm in

fury and gave Chad a hard slap, right

in his face. Please read the original

content at NovelDrama.Org.


The slap had Chad's face swollen. His lips cracked and started to bleed.

That slap had left Chad Yaleman dumbstruck.

Chad Yaleman put a hand to his bruised face and asked in disbelief, "Warren, what the hell was that for?”


The Yaleman brothers along withFelix Quirke and his soldiers were allbewildered. They could gt comungerstencoith) Warren Quirke hadlashed out like that. First, he waskicking his subordinate, then, heproceeded to slap Chad Yaleman?Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Warren Quirke was in a hot temper. He pointed at Nathan Cross and bellowed at the Yaleman brothers, "Do you two know whothat guy is?""He's the General of the North, the commander-in-chief of the three hundred thousand soldiers in Northania!”

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