Salute To The General

Chapter 841 Attack Together
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Chapter 841 Attack Together

When Felix heard that, he sneered, "Young lad, it seems like you have a lot of confidence in your bodyguard lackeys! If | manageto defeat them, in addition to retrieving our Yaleman family's possessions, can | also take your life?"

Nathan smiled and replied, "If you manage to defeat any one of my subordinates, you can punish me in any way you deem fit."Felix scoffed, "Such arrogance, looks like I'll have to teach you impudent brat a lesson today."


“At your command!" A burly and roughlooking man answered and stepped forward.

Felix ordered, "As a Major, | don't think it's appropriate for me to take action personally, in case they accuse me of being a bully.Go ahead and choose the person you want to compete with. Don't disappoint me and don't tarnish the reputation of the reserveunit of the West."

Brian nodded, "Yes, Sir!"Then, he looked towards Colin and the Elite Eight.

As Brian could tell that Colin was the leader of the group, he beckoned Colin to come over, "You'll be my opponent, let's have ashowdown! Don't worry, | won't kill you. I'll at most just knock you unconscious."

Nathan, Colin, and the Elite Eight exchanged knowing glances with each other and grinned.

Colin walked out smiling ear to ear and said, "I shall thank you in advance then!"

Brian got into position and shouted, "Come on, I'll let you make the first move!"

"Sure!" Colin's foot snapped out in a powerful kick almost at the same time he spoke.


Before Brian could react, Colin had already struck him in the head.

His head started spinning and his vision went black. With a loud thump, he fainted and collapsed on the ground.What?

Brian was taken down with just one kick!

Felix and the other nine of his subordinates stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

Asplit second later, Felix and his men snapped out of their shock and started to resuscitate Brian.

After their continuous efforts, Brian finally regained consciousness!

When he woke up, he said softly in shame, "Captain, | didn't expect that guy to launch such a fast attack, | was too careless."

Felix was visibly enraged, "Your performance during training had always been outstanding. How could you be so off form duringactual combat? Looks like

| have to do this myself!"

After he finished speaking, Felix stepped forward and chose Colin as his opponent as well."Come on!" he bellowed.

Colin replied, "Right away!"

Employing one of the most basic military combat skills, Colin took a deep breath. Then, he stepped forward and threw a punchtowards Felix's face.

Felix was already very careful in anticipating Colin's move.

However, Colin still managed to catch him off guard with his powerful punch at breakneck speed.Bam!

When the heavy blow landed on Felix's face, his world started to spin.

Blackness filled his vision and he could feel himself almost fainting.

His subordinates immediately rushed forward to hold him up while asking, "Captain, are you alright?"Felix tried to shake away his dizziness and bit his tongue to force himself to stay conscious.

"|... Lam fine!" He replied with much difficulty.

Colin sneered, "| had higher expectations for you guys, all of you should just attack together!"What?

Felix and his men felt deeply offended by that statement. It was obvious that Colin was blatantly looking down on them!

“Let's attack together and cripple him!" Felix yelled, enraged.

As soon as he finished speaking, Felix and his group charged towards Colin like a pack of ferocious wolves.

The Elite Eight stood by idly and had no intentions to interfere with Colin's battle.

Even though Colin was fighting in a one-against-many situation, he did not flinch at all as he marched forward to take them on.Colin's movements were swift, decisive, and explosive.

He had utilized every single standard military combat skill.

Tackling each opponent with one move, Colin took down Felix and his subordinates with ease. None of those men was a matchfor him.

Before long, Felix and all ten of his subordinates were defeated by Colin.The surrounding crowd was gob smacked and audible gasps of shock could be heard continuously.

Even those few female collegestudents also couldn't i p gato iT)e claim, {bain GU, 00 s like we'dbetter find boyfriends elsewhere nexttime!" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Felix and his men instantly turned red with embarrassment and anger.

Penny couldn't help but ask softly,"Nathan, what is it that hey watt 1isi your it's Kat Something

p cae why don't you just give it tothem!” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Nathan nodded as he heard what his wife said and instructed Colin, "Let them take that corpse away!""Yes, Master!" Colin replied.

Nathan glanced towards Felix and hismen, who were suffering theaftermath of the fight. hie said covan

t m sprig WBN Should step upofryour training when you're back.Also, tell the Yalemans to know theirlimits. If you come looking for troubleagain, | won't be letting you off soeasily." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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