Salute To The General

Chapter 833 I Want This Woman
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Chapter 833 I Want This Woman

The next day, Carl came to Channing along with his entourage, but he didn't attack Nathan right away. Instead, he came to meetKyle, a local underworld boss.

Kyle used to be a local underworld boss in Channing, but ever since Thomas’ appearance, his grip on the city weakened, andnow he was semi-retired. After he was summoned by Carl, Kyle quickly went to see him.

"Kyle, you've been in this city for decades, so tell me, how powerful is Nathan?”

"Young master Carl, Nathan isn't all that strong," Kyle grinned. "He's just arrogant because Thomas is covering for him, and hiswife is the President of Cross Group.”

Carl nodded. "Thomas is Nathan's beating stick, while Penny is his source of income. With both of them available, no wonder hemanaged to kill my brother."

The announcement shocked Kyle, for it wasn't until now that he knew Carl was here for revenge. "So you're here to avenge yourbrother? Then | wish you luck, young master Carl, and may you succeed in courting the beauties of Channing.”

"The beauties of Channing?" Carl squinted."Yep, and both of them are related to Nathan. One of them is Penny, Nathan's wife, and the other is Kylie, Penny's cousin.""I'm not interested in married women." Carl pouted.

Kyle quickly answered, "Kylie isn't married yet. I'm a Casanova, so to speak, and judging by her looks, Kylie is still a virgin." Hewhipped his phone out and went to Cross Group's website to search for Kylie's photo, then he handed it to Carl.

Carl had an unusually high standard for women, but when he saw Kylie's photo, even he was surprised. "! want this one.""Yasha!" Carl called.

A burly, hairy, terrifying man came up. "Here, sir."

"Capture Kylie, and make sure Nathan knows | did it." Carl ordered.

"Yes sir." Yasha obliged.

As dusk fell upon the city, Kylie clocked off from work after a couple of hours of overtime, then she came to the undergroundparking lot. Before she could approach her car, someone came down from the Toyota Prado beside her. It was a burly, hairy, andferal man, and Kylie was shocked by his appearance. The man was none other than Yasha.

He grinned. "My master wants to see you, Ms. Tonkins."

"Who's your master? | won't beseeing anyone, so please leave." Prewas horrified ang editestape, butthe marneHt'she turned around,Yasha came up and chopped herneck, rendering her unconscious.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Yasha picked her up and stuffed herinto the Prado beforparyiga tofeWebu Fhynadstoitn and Waves stoodbefore him. Please read the originalnovelbin

content at NovelDrama.Org.

“Release Ms. Tonkins right away, you savage.”"Or else you shall be buried six feet underground.” Waves continued coldly.

Yasha sneered at the duo. "Insects,

both of you. You're pagyingaXe's0iene SAhds ed like a bug."Plea

se read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Rating the Translation Will Gain Two Pearls.

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