Salute To The General

Chapter 826 The Commander In Chief
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Chapter 826 The Commander In Chief

Nathan too felt helpless since Colin was the one who had prepared everything.

He instructed the studio to prepare countless wedding dresses for the bride. However, Nathan only had one Commander-in-chief's uniform as his wedding suit.

In Colin's opinion, Nathan looked most handsome in his Commander-in-chief's uniform.Meanwhile, he was being surrounded by Penny and the others.

Penny asked curiously, "Nathan, what are you wearing? It looks like an imitation of a Commander-in-chief's uniform. You lookgood in it!"

What do you mean by imitation? This is the real deal. Nathan thought, bewildered.

Colin smiled and replied in Nathan's place, "Madam, this costume is specially designed to imitate a Commander-in-chief'suniform. We decided on this theme since Master used to be a soldier. What do you think?"

Penny had seen military uniforms before including that of a general. But she had never seen one that belonged to theCommander-in-chief, especially with all those shoulder insignias!

Hence, Penny and her parents believed Colin wholeheartedly. They thought Nathan was just wearing a fake Commander-in-chief's uniform.

"Very nice. It perfectly accentuates his unique military demeanor. | really like it,” Penny commented solely from an aesthetic pointof view.

Benson laughed and added, "Yes, some might even think this is a real militant outfit.”

Leah was growing increasingly fond of this son-in-law. She smiled and said, "My son-in-law looks exactly like a General in thisoutfit. Very nice!"

Even Queenie, who was laying in Kylie's arms, couldn't help but smiled and clapped excitedly, saying, "Papa is so handsome!"

Nathan looked bemused. He couldn't help but said, "Honey, Dad, Mom, I'm going to be honest with all of you. This is the realdeal. | am the Commander-in-chief of the North!"

Penny, Benson, and Leah gave each other a look upon hearing that and started laughing.

Penny even patted Nathan lightly on the back and said, "Nathan, get over yourself. You're going to get arrested forimpersonating the Commander-in-chief."

Nathan was dumbfounded, "But | really am the Commander-in-chief!"

Benson and Leah replied smilingly, "Yes you're right, you're the Commander-in-chief in our hearts today. Go on now, go get yourpre-wedding photoshoot!"

Nathan felt helplessness surged in his heart as he watched Penny and her family smiling at each other. It was obvious that theydidn't believe him.

Forget it, let them be. It's best to let nature take its course!Nathan, Penny, and the others arrived at the beach and prepared themselves for the pre-wedding photoshoot.

However, Penny and her family were bewildered to find over two thousand fully-equipped special forces and eighteen knights onhorseback at the beach!

Penny turned to Nathan in shock, "W-What is this? Are they actors?"

Colin quickly spoke up, "Yes Madam,we hired all these actersdo actas \ '¢RagweddihyPhotoshoot'sbackground." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Penny, Benson, and Leah fell for Colin's words once again!"My gosh, these people look so much like the real deal that it's kinda scary!" Penny said, tongue-tied.

Colin grinned, "These men are allprofessional actors rorrepicarnalStydiogy Thay eT ly equipped withprops and Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

acting skills. | assure you they look and act exactly like the real deal"

Penny, Benson, and Leah gave eachother a look and exc aiped, (OR THY!aibig Brolllction. It must havecost a lot of money!" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Colin replied with a smile, "It's okay, this is nothing to Master."

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