Salute To The General

Chapter 814 I Feel Alone And Empty Recently
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Chapter 814 I Feel Alone And Empty Recently

Today was the Channing region's grand poetry contest for its kindergarten students.novelbin

Students from all over the city participated in the competition organized by the education department.

According to sources, the top three winners would automatically be accepted into the Grand Channing Primary School.It was the best school in Channing which produced students with excellent grades every year.

The school's facilities, teaching resources, and quality of teachers were considered top-notch compared to its peers.Therefore, parents clamored to send their children to the school every year.

Rumor has it that many parents queued at the school entrance overnight just to get their children registered.

However, due to the limited places, most local students were rejected despite having excellent grades.

Since the top three winners of the competition would be automatically accepted at the school, many desperate parentsencouraged their children to participate.

As Queenie's grades were excellent, it was natural that she entered the poetry contest.

Today, both Nathan and Penny accompanied her to the competition venue. They watched on as she entered the school toparticipate in the contest.

Outside the school, there were many other parents who were there with their children for the contest.

Suddenly, a pot-bellied middle-aged man approached Penny and greeted, "Ha! if it isn't the beautiful Ms. Smith herself. What acoincidence!"

As the fat man spoke, he extended his hand towards Penny to shake.However, when Penny saw him, her eyes flashed with disdain.The man was James Miller, deputy director of Channing's education department.

James knew for a long time that Penny was a single mother. When she was going through a rough patch then, he had personallyoffered to be her sugar daddy.

However, Penny rejected him outright.

Therefore, when she saw James, she couldn't help but feel disgusted.

Refusing to shake, she sneered, "I'm sorry, Mr. Miller, my husband doesn't like me shaking hands with other men.""By the way, this is him, Nathan Cross."

Only then did James notice Nathan standing beside her. He couldn't help but feel jealous at Nathan's muscular physique andluminous eyes.

He cursed in his heart. What's the use of being a handsome man? It's better to be powerful and influential like me!

Contemptuously ignoring Nathan's presence, he looked at Penny salaciously, "Ms. Smith, is your child participating in the poetrycontest?”

Trying her best to suppress herannoyance, she repliedimpassionedly,. ¥¢gy SinGe hey:three inners will be accepted intothe best primary school, she alsowanted to try her luck." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

James replied with a smile, "It'suseless regardless of h a hard shelisis Buk fare Ming to dosomething about it, perhaps there'sstilla chance." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Penny frowned. "Mr. Miller, what are you trying to imply?"

Ogling at Penny in herprofessional-looking dress, he saidwith a lecherous azea'ge COMcpyipettanisi anized by theeducation department. Hence, theleaders of the department areresponsible for selecting the judges.”Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"As a result, we will be ones who decide who wins."“The shrew in my house had gone back to her parent's home these few days.Therefore, | have been feeling lonely recently."

"If you are willing to accompany me tonight, then | will make sure that your daughter will come up top when the results areannounced tomorrow."

Rating the Translation Will Gain Two Pearls.

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