Salute To The General

Chapter 812 What Kind Of Friend Do You Have That Would...
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Chapter 812 What Kind Of Friend Do You Have That Would...

In a blink of an eye, Harry's men were all lying in a pool of blood.

Meanwhile, despite looking at Nathan and Colin in fear, Harry threatened, "Do you know who we are?"

"We are from the Orion Group. Our boss is Quintus Yaleman from the Yaleman family of the West. If you dare touch me..."Before he could finish, Colin smashed his fist into Harry's face.


Harry cried in agony before collapsing with his face covered in blood.

However, Colin didn't stop. Crack! He broke Harry's leg by stomping on his shin.

Then, he followed up with another stomp on Harry's balls, crushing his family jewels.

Finally, Colin spat on him and sneered, "You were saying?"

Meanwhile, Nathan helped Kylie up and enquired anxiously, "Are you alright?"

Kylie's body was still limp, but when she looked into Nathan's eyes, her own eyes sparkled. She softly answered, "I'm still feelingweak and wobbly. Other than that, I'm fine."

With a serious face, Nathan lectured her, "Your drink must have been spiked. Why weren't you more careful?"

Kylie helplessly replied, "| was supposed to accompany a friend on a date. But | didn't realize it was a trap set by the OrionGroup."

The Orion Group!Nathan recognized the pharmaceutical company. It belonged to the prominent Yaleman family of the West.

The Yalemans were famous for making counterfeits. They were willing to expand into any industry as long as they could make aprofit. Hence, their wealth was built on imitation products.

They now had assets worth a trillion and wielded significant influence in the West.What Nathan had not expected was that the Yalemans now had their eye on the Cross Group's vaccine.

While other companies strived to license the product from the Cross Group, the Yalemans just wanted to manufacture a copy tochallenge the Cross Group's hold on the market.

They had sent Harry to Channing to steal the formula from Kylie.

Meanwhile, Nathan looked at Harry who was on the brink of death. He said solemnly, "Not only have the Yalemans encroachedinto the South, but they dared to use such a despicable tactic against the Cross Group and my sister-in-law."

"Colin, send this a***** back to the Yalemans."

“Warn them to stay away from the vaccine and not step into the South again. Or else, they would all end up like this a*****."Colin responded spiritedly, "Yes, sir!”

Meanwhile, Nathan brought Kylie out from the club and into the car.

After helping her drink some water from a bottle, the effects of the drug slowly wore off. Soon, she managed to regain herstrength.

Once Nathan was sure that she was fine, he felt relieved and drove home.

Along the journey, he lectured her as her brother-in-law, "What kind of friend do you have that would sell you out like that?”"Given your age, isn't it time for you to think about marriage instead of accompanying your friends on their dates?"

Kylie shook her head vigorously. "No, | won't. My standards are too high, it's impossible to find anyone."

Nathan was puzzled. "What are you looking for in a man? With so many men in the world, do none of them satisfy your


Shooting Nathan a quick glance, Kylieblushed and s id-stienine SFY Sutbusiness!" Please read the original

content at NovelDrama.Org.

Nathan was again confused. "Alright, alright. I'll stay out of it."By the time they reached home, it was already ten at night.When Penny and the others saw Nathan return, they were elated.

Meanwhile, Penny was surprised,"Hey Kylie, how did yquiegd gow!ON ,ng\harme With Nathan?" Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Without sparing any details, Kylie related everything that happened.Penny and the rest of the family were horrified after hearing her story.

Penny fumed, "Orion Pharmaceuticalis just despicable. They are f.for their coupterfesnoréuticts Ifnovelbin

tifrg to Copy Our vaccine wasn'tbad enough, setting up Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

such a disgusting trap for Kylie was worse.They have gone overboard!"Nathan reassured her, "Don't worry, | will handle this."

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