Salute To The General

Chapter 807 Captured By The General
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Chapter 807 Captured By The General

Tobias and the others were overjoyed when they saw this colonel.He said excitedly, "Wesley, you've come just at the right time. These hooligans are creating a scene here. Quick, arrest them."

Wesley entered the headquarters fiercely with dozens of soldiers. He looked around the hall and saw Fort Green's woundedmembers, then he laid his eyes on Nathan and cried out angrily, "How dare you assault these men in my master's house!"

“Arrest all of them!” he ordered his soldiers.

The soldiers immediately moved towards Nathan's group to cuff them.

But at that very moment, Nathan said bluntly, "Hold it. Open your eyes and look closely."novelbin

He then took out his military ID and smacked it on Wesley's face.

Before Wesley could focus his vision, he felt a small item smack across his face, causing a burning pain on his cheeks.Subconsciously, he stretched out his arm to retrieve the item.

At the same time, anger started to boil in his chest.

Just as he was about to blow his top, he saw the red military ID in his hand, and his eyes widened in suspicion.

He was aware that he was in a colonel's uniform, and he had a great number of subordinates under his command.

Based on how he behaved in front of me and how he dared to smack his military ID across my face, this guy must be in a higherposition than me.

If not, he wouldn't dare to behave the way he did!

Upon this realization, Wesley panicked and quickly opened up Nathan's military ID.

After taking a good look at his ID, he was horror-stricken.

He felt his limbs turn cold, and he was utterly dumbfounded!

He body started trembling as his face turned pale. "Th-th-this is impossible..." he stammered."Wesley, what's wrong?" Tobias asked in surprise.

Seeing how horrified Wesley was, Tobias, Dominic, and the other men walked towards him. They stood next to Wesley, taking apeek at the military ID in his hand.

When they finally saw the details on the military ID, their eyes widened and they drew a cold breath of air.

In addition to Nathan's name and home address, the ID stated his title: Commander-in-chief of the North!

Under the word ‘rank’, it was clearly stated: General!

He was commander-in-chief of the North, General Nathan Cross!

Tobias, Wesley, Dominic, and the others were utterly dumbfounded.

Tobias raised his head and looked at Nathan in horror, struggling to get the words out of his mouth, "You, you are..."

Nathan twitched his lips and said, "Well, my identity is clearly written on the ID. Now, who's going to stop me from taking Dominicaway?"

No one dared to stop the general at this point.Dominic turned ashen-faced as his knees felt weak and he knelt before Tobias.

He grabbed onto Tobias's leg andpleaded, "Master, please hel raatDon't lett em igo rife day’ I'll bedeal fo sure if you hand me over tothem. Please save me!" Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Tobias struggled to shake Dominic away from his leg. He cursed Dominic's entire line of ancestors and blamed him for provokingthe number one guy in the army.

Idiot! Why did you have to involve FortGreen in your stupidities?

No matter how daring Tobias was and how his members were scattered all over the South, he didn't dare to challenge theGeneral!

He really wanted to kick Dominic away and let Nathan deal with him.

Meanwhile, Wesley, who hadregained his senses, suddenlysnorted and said, "Wha Generabot |t North, He's hay too young to bea'general. Besides, there should be alarge group of leaders and soldiersaccompanying a general wheneverhe is traveling. This guy is definitely afraud!" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"We've encountered such fraudulentofficers in the past, and we've caughtmany of them over the years. Sopretend to be cglopele WileSottiersifpperadridte marshals, cheatingordinary folk all over the region.However, this is the first time I'veseen someone impersonating ageneral. You must have a lot of nerve,young man" he added. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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