Salute To The General

Chapter 786 You Have Ten Minutes To Call For Backup
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Chapter 786 You Have Ten Minutes To Call For Backup

At the hospital, doctors and nurses were performing emergency surgery on Stephen, in hopes of saving his knees.

Outside the operating theater, Charlus'face was stony as he waited for news. There were no words to describe what he wascurrently feeling. All he knew was ‘furious’ was too mild of a word for the emotions running through him.


"Yes, sir?"

"Contact David Jones. Tell him to use whatever methods he has at his disposal to kill Zayn and Nathan Cross.""Yes, sir! Right away, sir!"

Simon turned to leave but stopped when Charlus called out again.

"Hold it!"

"Is there anything else, sir?" Simon wondered.

“Have Jones kill Nathan first before he moves on to Zayn. | want Zayn to have a taste of what it feels like to have somethinghappen to his son."

"Got it, sir!"

David Jones was one of the mafia bosses in the Glyngarth Underground. He was dubbed ‘King Jones’, due to the countless menwilling to die for him.

Whenever Charlus ran into some particularly difficult adversaries, he would hire King Jones to help him out. This time was nodifferent.

To David Jones, Charlus Cote was practically his sponsor and he was more than willing to do his dirty work for him.Gathering several hundreds of his men, David brought them over to the Jade Hotel.

With a loud crash, the glass entrance to the Jade Hotel shattered when an excavator rammed into it.

The front desk receptionists and the security guards shouted in fright as they stared in horror.

The excavator slowly retreated before an obese man in a floral shirt appeared in the empty space where the glass used to be.Behind him were scores of men, all wielding bats, and knives.

The large group of vicious-looking men strode inside the lobby of the hotel as if they owned it.Upon catching sight of the man in the floral shirt, the hotel staff exclaimed, "It's King Jones!"David's lips split into an evil grin, revealing yellowed teeth. "Wreck this place up!”

Acknowledging his order, his men spread out and started to smash everything they could see. Within moments, the hotel lobbywas a mess, as broken pieces of furniture and decorations littered the floor.

The staff was long gone as they had run away the moment the men started breaking things.

David sucked on a cigarette as he set his men loose, u[on the hotel.

Just as there was nothing left to smash up, Nathan, Colin, the Elite Eight, and the Smiths appeared.Even though this was not his hotel, Sean could not help moaning, "Oh my god. Imagine how much this would cost to fix!"

Eyeing Nathan with a cruel smile upon his lips, David asked, "You're Nathan Cross? Mr. Cote sends his regards. He wants me tosend you on your way."

"With what, you and your army?" Nathan replied coldly.

David chuckled as he statedconfidently, "With five hundred menon my side, it's enough fay youtalditdrecitinds bver! However, I'mafair and honorable man. I'll give youten minutes to call for backup. Youcan't say I'd never given you a chancethen." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

David had deliberately allowedNathan to call for backup, as hebelieved that t focynek would SeekHet feb Zayn. This way, he couldhave both father and son in oneplace, killing two birds with onestone. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"Giving me time to call for help? This is a first for me. Fine, I'll go along with your request!" Nathan responded with a small smile.

He dialed the governor of the East,Jay Watts'number, Some SSEsmashed up the dsidé Hote!heseetihy to kill me. He's given meten minutes to summon backup. Youknow what to do.” Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Rating the Translation Will Gain Two Pearls.

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