Salute To The General

Chapter 766 Will You Let Me Go
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Chapter 766 Will You Let Me Go

That sounded like a death sentence for Madam Helen and Preston. At the same time, twenty thousand armed soldierssurrounded the plaza at the mountain's base.

Preston's army of three thousand didn't make any movements, for they were surrounded, and they hadn't gotten any orders fromhim. On the other hand, after the civilians had thinned out, the soldiers quickly apprehended the elites of Preston.novelbin

Penny, Kylie, and everyone else watched this arrest in awe. "What's going on?” She gasped.

Colin answered, "Probably some criminals who were hiding in the crowd. We did nothing wrong, so they won't arrest us. Don'tpanic."

“Why isn't Nathan back yet? Is he in danger?" Penny was worried."He's fine. He's just having a bad case of diarrhea, so he told me to tell you guys to wait for him." Colin explained.Penny quickly blushed with annoyance. "He's so impudent!”

Back on Lionheart Hill, Kenny and the other leaders bade Nathan goodbye. In the end, only Nathan, Darius, the generals, andthe soldiers were left with Madam Helen and Preston.

Nathan stood with one hand behind his back and watched as Preston's elites were captured. "Preston, Helen. | seem to recallthe both of you saying you'll kill my family after the event is over, no?" Nathan said coldly. "The event's over now, so you maybegin."

The fear was too much for them to bear, so the duo started groveling before Nathan. Preston lost all his arrogance and beggedlike a death row inmate, "Please, general, forgive me! 1-1 didn't mean to offend you! Please have mercy on me!"

Nathan looked at him coldly. "Half an hour ago, you threatened to kill my whole family. If | were just a civilian instead of thegeneral of the north, our positions would be switched, no? If | were in your position, would you have let me live?”

Preston's face was ashen pale. Shaking like a leaf, he opened his mouth to say something but no words came out.Preston wanted to lie and said he would have let Nathan off but he knew Nathan wouldn't believe it.

Nathan glanced at him coolly. "You've been staying over at the Cross residence for the past two nights. Fun, wasn't it? | think theCross family might not share the same sentiments though."

Lupin was shocked to the core.

Staying over at the residence and having sex with Madam Helen was just a bit of fun, for his true goal was the immense wealthof the Cross family.

Even so, he knew this scandal with Helen would utterly humiliate the Cross family.

While he had been exiled, Zayn was still his father, so even if their relationship were tense, Nathan couldn't stand by when Zaynwas insulted this way.

Nathan's revelation was the nail inthe coffin for Preston-ang he Olllsijengesin Gessor. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Nathan waved. "Send Mr. Lupin on a one way trip to hell."

A few soldiers came up and draggedhim away. After a few ements) Bl |pine defqunstiseitas heard, andhig Preston went out with a bang,literally. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

“Preston is executed, general.”Nathan waved the colonel down and turned to look at Helen.

Helen's head was already bleeding

from banging it against ie nap kpowyou! Weas kind asHeather

was! Please, have mercyon me!” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Rating the Translation Will Gain Two Pearls.

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