Salute To The General

Chapter 755 Cripple Him
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Chapter 755 Cripple Him

Werner glared at Nathan in horror as he commanded with a surprising resolve, "Everyone, charge! Kill them all and I'll rewardyou handsomely!"

His men immediately armed themselves with weapons, before roaring in rage and swarming their enemies.Colin instructed in a low voice, "Protect the General!"

The Elite Eight, who were so muscular they made their black tuxedos look like armor, stepped forward and bellowedsimultaneously, "Charge!"

They marched together in sync, and their oppressive aura was just as impressive as an entire army.

On the other hand, Werner's subordinates were all fighters from the Lupin family, so each one of them could defeat a dozenordinary people at once.

By extension, the three hundred of them were enough to fight three thousand ordinary people easily.

Unfortunately for them, their opponent was Nathan.

He had eight of the strongest soldiers in the National Guards and war veteran, Colin Dunne, a master sharpshooter.The Elite Eight were the finest carefully selected from a few thousand soldiers.

The Lupin family's best fighters were no match for Colin and the Elite Eight.

Colin's, and the Elite Eight's fighting style was a classic military approach. Their moves were simple, straightforward, andunembellished. They focused on extreme power and speed, aiming to kill with one strike.

They tore through the crowd of opponents like a tiger running loose on a farm of sheep.

As a result, the Lupin family's subordinates felled swiftly.

Some of his men would approach Xander and Nathan in the heat of the battle, but

Nathan defeated them with ease.

In no time, the Lupin family's subordinates were maimed or dead as they lay in a pool of their own blood.

Werner stood motionless and stared in disbelief at the hellish scene unfolding before him. He suddenly felt a coldnesspermeating through his body and numbing his extremities.

He glared at Nathan in shock as his voice wavered. "You are so powerful and you have so many formidable subordinates! Whoare you, actually? You definitely aren't just an outcast from the Cross family."

"Who | am doesn't matter. What matters is the fact you've crossed me."

A fear surged in Werner's heart as he met Nathan's icy gaze. "What are you trying to do? I'm the third son of the Lupin family. Ifyou dare to hurt me, the entire Lupin family would never forgive you."

Nathan scoffed. "| already killed most of your family, so are you really trying to

threaten me with that?"

Werner's expression changed drastically, but Nathan waved his hands before he could answer. "Cripple him!"Colin heeded the order personally and broke all of Werner's limbs.


The maimed Werner collapsed on the ground and shrieked horrifically in pain.

Nathan looked down on him condescendingly. "This is for Mr. Lane!"

He then turned around to face Xander, who was in a wheelchair. "| crippled this guy already. You can decide what you want to doto him."

Xander was filled with gratitude as he croaked, "Thank you for helping the Lane family get our revenge!"novelbin

He then looked at Julia Lane and saidsternly, "That bastard killed sixteen ofus, hurt many oye ever PApedYYCTpaTKayést rday. Your fatherpassed away early, and I'm old too.The Lane family is in your hands. Youcan decide what you want to do withhim." Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

Upon hearing that, Julia picked up a broken sword from the ground and inched toward Werner slowly.

The latter realized that somethingbad was about to hap B s¢he (11ieked in deat Wha are you doing?ase, please don't..." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.


With a clean swipe, Julia cut off his penis and said grudgingly, "This is for what you did to my Mom!"


Werner screamed in pain, but Julia wasn't done yet.

She slashed his body another time, and that caused him to bleed. "This is for my third uncle! This is for my second uncle!This is for what you did to my cousin!" Her list went on.

In the end, Werner was tortured to death by Julia. This is karma!

Even Nathan was a little shockedwhen he saw that. ncoretyfeleessncanees ander wantstopass the family business to her.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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