Salute To The General

Chapter 731 Your Son Wanted Me To Kneel
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Chapter 731 Your Son Wanted Me To Kneel

Back on Nathan's side of things, the large group of people had moved into the Celestial Room. Shawn, Ivy and the rest of hisfriends were still pushing for Nathan to kneel and bark like a dog.

Suddenly, Kenny burst into the room with his underlings.Shawn's eyes bulged in shock. His voice was faint when he asked, "Dad, why are you here?”The other people in the room were equally astonished to see the mayor.

Ivy, in particular, was absolutely stunned. She had not expected one phone call from Nathan would be enough for her boyfriend'sfather, the most powerful man in Cledondale, to come running over like an obedient puppy.

Fear shone in her eyes as she stared at Nathan.To her, he had suddenly become quite the enigma.

Kenny pushed his son aside and headed for Nathan. Coming to a stop before him, he bowed low in an uncharacteristic gestureof respect. "Mr. Cross, I'm not late, am |? Might | ask why you asked me to come here in such a hurry? What are yourinstructions?”


Once more, everyone was flabbergasted.

Just who was Nathan Cross if even the mayor had to be so deferential to him?

Noticing how Kenny was drenched with sweat, Nathan smiled and said, "Wipe your sweat away first and then let's talk.""Yes, okay!”

Kenny hastily took out his handkerchief and haphazardly mopped the sweat off his forehead.

When he was done, Nathan spoke up, "I called you here because your son insisted | give up the Celestial Room to him. He alsoordered me to kneel and bark like a dog before he would let me leave. What are you going to do about this?”

Kenny's face paled drastically when he heard that and he gulped.

He could have wept at his stupid son's actions. How dare you order the General of the North to do such a humiliating thing! Doyou have a death wish, you fool?!

Fury welled in him and he spun around to glare daggers at his son.

Being the mayor's only son, Shawn had always been spoiled and pampered ever since young. This was the first time he hadseen his father so angry. He stuttered out uncertainly, "D-dad...”


Kenny slapped his son so hard that Shawn's head snapped to the side. He continued in a harsh tone, "Don't call me dad! | don'thave a son like you! Always going around stirring up trouble; I'm going to kill you myself! Consider it mercy from getting draggedoff to be shot to death." The other people present were astounded at the family drama happening before them. At the same time,they thought maybe the mayor was being a little harsh on his son.

All he did was offend Nathan; as if that would be a severe enough crime to warrant getting shot to death!

The normally mild-tempered man was way beyond furious this time. Slapping his son had not cooled his temper anyhow. Hepulled off his belt and started to whip Shawn with it.

Within several lashes, Shawn's skin split open and he began to bleed sluggishly.

Like a man possessed, Kenny brought his belt down again and again, all the while cursing, "I'm going to kill you, you uselessbrat! Troublemaking little bastard..."

At last, his subordinates could not bear seeing this any longer. They were afraid he would really beat his son to death if thiscontinued.

A few men stepped forward to restrain him while one of them uttered, "Mr. Mayor, stop! You'll really kill him if you don't stop!"

Kenny took in the piece of belt thathad broken off with the force of hislashes. His breathing wes, heavy ss!heshoutedat Bw, "Are you deadyet? If you're not then kneel beforeMr. Cross and apologize! You betterhope he forgives you or I'll kill youmyself!" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

The bleeding form of Shawnstruggled to crawl toward NathaThrough his sni (egy Ge\seqgedn apareavdike, "Mr. Cross, | waswrong. Please forgive me. | won'trepeat my mistakes again..." Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Kenny, too, looked at Nathan hopefully.

Turning his gaze on Kenny, Nathananswered in an indifferent tone icallet things sid this roe r-Mayorrepperabertd keep an eye on yourson in the future so something likethis doesn't happen again." Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Immensely relieved, Kenny babbled, "Yes yes, of course! Don't you worry, Mr. Cross, | promise to discipline him better!"Nobody could understand why the mayor was so terrified yet respectful of Nathan.novelbin

Acomplex series of emotions flashed in Ivy's eyes, which were locked on Nathan.

It was only then she realized that he was the unreachable one, no matter if it was last time or now. Not her.

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