Salute To The General

Chapter 726 The Lane Family Is Nothing To Me
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Chapter 726 The Lane Family Is Nothing To Me

“Mr. Lane, what is the meaning of this?" Penny demanded as she glared at him in fear and anger.

Liam's voice was casual as he replied, "Nothing, really. By the way, would you happen to know my son, Jonathan Lane, by anychance?”

Honestly not knowing who this Jonathan was and infuriated at what was going on, she snapped, "No, | don't. Please don'tchange the subject, Mr. Lane. Just what are you trying to pull?”

Amurderous glint flashed through Liam's eyes when he heard how Penny denied knowing his son. "I'm not trying to do anything.| just want the distribution rights to the liver cancer vaccine in Northania and ninety percent of the profits, that's all."

"I'm sorry but there's no way we can accept that. Your demands are just too ridiculous!" she outright refused.

Arching his eyebrow, he sneered, "Is that so? Then don't expect to leave this place." Nathan, who had been silent up to now,stood up and said placidly, "And if we insist on going?”

Liam stared at him but did not speak; he merely chuckled slyly.

Immediately understanding his meaning, Phillip neared Nathan with two big strides. He reached out his right hand and placed iton the latter's shoulder. "Sit the f*** down, boy!"

He abruptly increased the strength in his hand, wanting to push Nathan back into his seat.With his thick muscled arms, he could have easily wrestled an ox to the floor with one hand.Yet Nathan did not move an inch.


Surprise appeared on Phillip's face as his eyes widened.

"| said, sit down!" he roared.

The muscles in his arm bulged as he pushed all his strength into his hand to force the other man to comply.Despite that, Nathan still stood there unmoving and unruffled.

Phillip's strength was like a kitten compared to the tiger that was Nathan.

Lips curling into a grin, Nathan asked, "Are you done yet?"


In response, Phillip gaped at him in shock.

Swatting aside Phillip's arm like it was nothing, Nathan put his own hand on the other man's shoulder. He pushed down lightlywhile ordering in a cold tone, "Kneel!"

Phillip felt like the weight of a mountain had landed on his shoulder. His knees buckled and he crashed to the floor, hard.Crack!

The sound of breaking bones rang out sickeningly as both his kneecaps shattered.

"AHHHHH!” he howled in agony.novelbin

Nathan lifted his leg and kicked at the screaming man.


Phillip flew backwards and smashed into the wall. Instantly, a huge dent appeared in the wall as cracks spiderwebbed out fromthe center.

He slowly slid to the floor while blood trailed behind his limp body.Everybody present was absolutely dumbfounded at the sight.How ruthless!

Before Liam could come back to his senses, Nathan appeared in front of him within the blink of an eye.

His speed was so fast that Liam and his men could not even react in time.Lifting his hand, Nathan gave Liam several ringing slaps.

Within moments, Liam's face swelledup and blood trickled dawn feof thd

nepgfihis lib$ terror shone in hiseyes. Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

"The Lane family is nothing to me!This time, | won't hold Qur actions |sinst ypipitthers's next time,you can kiss your lives goodbye!"Please read the original content at


Liam could only seethe impotently.

How can this be? How can there besomeone so strong that he coPhillip within t amovedsHés ppedra ika Bone isobedient child, yethe says he's not going to hold myactions against me? Howunbelievable! Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

The ease at which Nathan defeated the Lane family's best fighter had truly shaken Liam and his men to the core.They stared fearfully at the man, furious yet not daring to move a muscle for fear of attracting unwanted attention.Completely ignoring them, Nathan turned to Penny and the executives. "Let's go!"

His words snapped Penny, Kylie and the rest.

Afraid that something else might happen if they lingered, they hurriedly followed Nathan out of there.

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