Salute To The General

Chapter 718 Did He Really Become Comatose
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Chapter 718 Did He Really Become Comatose

Colin could tell from the first glance that deep inside Nathan's heart, the affection for his father remained in him.

Otherwise, dealing with the Cross family would be a piece of cake for him.

Nathan had been giving the Cross family and Zayn chances.

Unfortunately, Zayn remained stubborn and ended up like this.

Colin looked at Nathan who seemed a little tired, "General, it's getting late. Let's go back now. Mrs. Cross will be worried."The mention of Penny finally warmed up Nathan's cold eyes.

He put a faint smile on his face and whispered, "Right. It's time to go home. | shouldn't let my family worry. Let's go."

Penny was worried sick for Nathan because she couldn't reach him when he arrived at Jagger's house in Horton City.

The wife feared that something might happen to Nathan, and she was finally at ease after seeing him back.

She greeted him and whined, "Where did you go? | can't even get through your phone. Do you know how worried we were?”novelbin

The husband smiled and said, "I met a friend in Horton City. | forgot about the time as we were chatting, didn't realize that myphone was turned off."

Penny rolled her eyes up and said with a seemingly happy mood, "Like a kid! By the way, have you eaten? Grandma had theservants to keep the food warm.”

Nathan felt hungry as soon as he heard her question and said, "Not yet."

Penny muttered, ‘Til eat with you."

The young couple ate in the dining room with their hearts’ content, which was heartwarming.The next day, Nathan and his family bid goodbye to the Jagger Family and returned to Channing.The news of Zayn’'s fateful encounter was spread to Northania.

Madam Helen was elated when she heard that Zayn became comatose and was unconscious.

To her surprise, the Cross family's subordinates and the mercenary group whom Zayn had spent huge money on couldn'tannihilate Nathan.

What more exciting was that Zayn went into a vegetative state. With that, the Cross family was left without a leading figure.Therefore, it was her turn to take over his role as the head of the family.

The Xander Corporation of the Cross family worth over one trillion.

From the very beginning, Madam Helen used all means to seduce Zayn and racked her brain to get married into the Crossfamily. It was all to get her hands on the vast family business.

Upon receiving the news of Zayn's fateful encounter, Madam Helen suppressed her inner joy and asked Frances, the headbutler, "Did he really become comatose?"

Francis said with a wry smile, "Yes.The doctor at the First People'sHospital in the East setithat sir wasinDrediin the back of his head. Hehas gone into a vegetative state andthe chance of waking up is almostzero." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

“Madam, the Cross family will have to depend on you. You shall be the head of our family from now on!"

A hint of joy flashed across MadamHelen's eyes, yet she pretended toheave a sigh and said, "My poordarling. | have pashoiekbutto staysfrpn@drid carry the responsibility ofshouldering this family. By the way,this time, many of our subordinateswere sent, and we even hired themercenary group to back us up. Howdid things turn out this way?” Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Francis was puzzled, and he replied,"| have no idea. None of thosesubordinates Si byquatéwithhimcomemaek and their whereaboutsare currently unknown. We have notheard from Hades and othermercenaries too." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

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