Salute To The General

Chapter 704 Leonard The Bully
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Chapter 704 Leonard The Bully

The next day, Nathan and his family flew to the East.They arrived in Horton at noon.Leah would always experience motion sickness every time she travelled by air, and this time was no different. She felt miserable.

Hence, once Nathan and his family got off the plane, they did not head to the Jagger residence straightaway. Instead, they choseto rest a while at the airport lobby.

As Penny and the rest of the family sat down on the couches, Queenie said softly, "Daddy, I'm a little thirsty."Nathan smiled. "Wait here, I'll go get us some drinks."

With that, Nathan walked away.

At that moment, an old man approached them with a painful expression on his face.

When Queenie saw the old man grimacing, she thought that he was looking for a seat.

When she realized that the seat on her left was empty, she invited him in a sweet voice, "Grandpa, are you the same as mygrandmother? She also feels uncomfortable after taking a flight. Here's an empty seat. Please sit down and rest."

As Queenie spoke, she stood up and wanted to help the old man sit down.In kindergarten, the teachers often taught them to respect the elderly and to always vacate their seats for them in public.Therefore, Queenie naturally did what she learned in school.

Meanwhile, Penny, Benson and Leah looked on in amusement. They were happy to see that Queenie was growing up to be aconsiderate child.

However, what happened next shocked all of them.

The old man let out an agonizing cry and gripped his left arm before collapsing onto the ground.

After he hit the ground, he continued to hold his left arm and muttered, "She pushed me and caused me to fall...""This little girl pushed me!"

"Ouch! My hand hurts. | think my arm is broken..."

Meanwhile, Queenie was still standing at the same spot with her hand stretched halfway out. She was visibly stunned.And so were Penny, Benson and Leah.

Acrowd started to gather as they chattered curiously.

After regaining her senses, Penny hugged her daughter and glared angrily at the old man. "What are you doing? My daughterwanted to help you to your seat when she saw that you were feeling uncomfortable."

“But you collapsed without her even touching you." "You are obviously trying to take advantage of us given that we are notlocals!"

"Do you even have a conscience?Scamming a young child who wanted to help you?"

The old man on the floor ignored Penny as he shouted at the top of his lungs, "This little girl pushed me. Now that my arm isbroken, you have to be responsible..."

As the old man yelled, he reached out his hand to grip Penny's leg.novelbin

Frightened, Penny and her family retreated backwards.

At that moment, a man in a black leather jacket appeared with a group of fearsome followers behind.He growled, "How dare you push my grandfather and break his arm? And now you're trying to flee?”

Penny was infuriated, "We didn't touch him. He lay down on the floor himself and faked a broken arm. Are you trying to scamus?"

After helping the old man up, the man in the black jacket rolled up the old man's sleeve. They could see that the old man's armwas contorted and swollen all over. It was obvious that his arm was truly broken.

The man then glared angrily at Penny, "Can't you see that my Grandfather's arm is broken?"“Pay up! If you don't compensate for his medical bills, | will break the arms of your whole family!"

As the crowd chattered amongst themselves, one of them recognized the man in the black jacket and muttered softly, "Ah! That'sLeonard the Bully! Leonard Lowe!"

At the mention of his name, the crowd understood at once what was going on. They all dispersed in a blink, not wanting to getinvolved.

The ones left were foreign tourists who stood there puzzled.Leonard was the son of Horton's underworld kingpin, Gerald Lowe.

Despite Gerald's status, Leonardloved to gamble and would ten yisgitthe casinasin thenieighboringtoa" time, he would lose alot of money and return home indebt. Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

Over the years, Gerald had helped Leonard pay off his debts of billions.

Until one day, he finally reached hislimits and cut his son off. At the

: \v\same time, he decjared that he-Wouldrip) hai bison settle any of hisgambling debts anymore and alsowarned others against lendingLeonard money. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Not too long ago, Leonard lost ten million again.

Given that his father had cut him off, he found an old man in Horton and broke his arm. After that, he forced him to masqueradeas his grandfather to scam foreign tourists.

Because his father was the underworld kingpin of Horton, no one dared to touch him. Hence, he was always successful in hisscams.

This time, since he noticed that Penny and her family were well dressed and weren't local, he decided to pick on them.When Penny saw how aggressive Leonard and his men were, she was sure that they were con-artists.Hence, she took out her phone and warned, "We didn't push your grandfather. If you insist on cheating us, | will call the police.”

Leonard was infuriated when heheard what Penny said. Snatchingher phone away, he geoyetedice}, DO.WbUIRndw who my fatheris? Even the Horton police chiefneeds to respect my father, let alonethe officers in the airport policestation." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org."If you want to call the police, go ahead!" Leonard challenged. At the same time, he held up her phone and prepared to smash itonto the floor.Before he could do anything, a figure appeared in front of him. It was Nathan.

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