Salute To The General

Chapter 700 Are You Going To Keep Being Stubborn
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Chapter 700 Are You Going To Keep Being Stubborn

Slayer and Arhat could also hardly believe their eyes and were both stunned.They had initially thought that Nathan and his men had killed Bloodhand using underhand methods.

After witnessing the way Nathan broke Thug's arm with just one single blow, Slayer and Arhat were finally convinced thatNathan's powers were indeed terrifying.

They no longer dared to underestimate their opponent's abilities.

Slayer and Arhat exchanged a knowing look and sprang towards Nathan simultaneously.

The both of them moved at breakneck speed. Everyone else could only see two fleeting shadows lunging towards Nathan.Thunderstorm and Waves furrowed their brows when Slayer and Arhat launched their attack at Nathan.

Just when they intended to give Nathan a hand, Colin spoke calmly, "Master wouldn't have any problems handling those twoguys. Let's stay put unless our enemy's side sends in reinforcements."

Slayer's palm turned into a knife as he slashed towards Nathan!

As for Arhat, he attacked with a sweeping kick accompanied by a ferocious roar.

Nathan remained calm and collected as he took two steps backwards, which rendered his opponents�� attacks futile.Slayer's hand landed on the tree behind.

Like a sharp blade, he sliced the tree trunk apart and the top half of the tree collapsed on the ground with a loud thud.Arhat's kick hit the Pixiu stone statue which was placed at the mansion's front yard.

With a loud boom, the statue crumbled into pieces.

Everyone held their breaths nervously and watched on as the two top fighters from the Cross Family attacked Nathancontinuously.

Nathan dodged the attacks from the two men effortlessly as if he were simply taking a stroll in the park.

Nathan nimbly ducked the supposedly killer moves from Slayer and Arhat by taking multiple steps backwards.

After that, Nathan began his counterattack.novelbin

He lunged forward and crashed into Slayer's rib cage. At the same time, he struck Slayer's chest with his arm forcefully.Bang! Slayer went pale and his body quivered rapidly as if an electric shock was travelling through it.

He stumbled a few steps backwards, leaving a trail of deep-set footprints on the slabbed pathway. The next instant, he threw upa pool of blood, which contained fragments of his lungs. It was apparent that Slayer was already seriously injured.

Arhat growled in anger and sent a flying kick towards Nathan.

Nathan extended his leg and returned the kick in the same manner, but at a faster pace and with much more force. He struckArhat right on his calf joint.


The hair-raising sounds of bones breaking tore through the air.

Arhat's right calf joint was snapped into two from the force of Nathan's kick and took on the form of a frightful V-shape!Everyone's scalps went numb at the sight. It was as if they could feel Arhat's pain just by looking at it.

Zayn's eyes bulged as he wondered if what he just saw was real.

He could hardly believe that Nathan had managed to defeat the three most formidable fighters of the Cross Family all by himself,and within such a short span of time!

Nathan stared at the three badlyinjured fighters of the Cross Familyand said unsympathetically, ��Soxhiseypaersrcaenimy Ss FiveBeasts are made up of?Frankly-speaking, I'm ratherdisappointed. Zayn Cross, are yougoing to keep being stubborn?��Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Zayn finally snapped out of his shock. Anger flooded his veins as he looked at Nathan, who was exuding a commanding aura.No father would be able to tolerate being spoken to in such a disrespectful manner by his own son.

Moreover, Nathan was supposed to be a good-for-nothing son whom Zayn despised and had personally chased out of the familyyears ago.

How could this brat treat me with such disregard?Zayn was shocked and enraged, almost losing his mind.

Right now, he was just like a gamblerblinded from rationality and eager towin his money bac ecsu

huge losses) atyhe same time, hewas also like a king who couldn't waitto kill his son, after his throne wasseized by the prince who had planneda revolt. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Zayn commanded the remaininghundreds of the Cross fa aofighters i a.haretntet��) Everyonelisten � !'| want all of you to attackaltogether and kill this scoundrel.��Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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