Salute To The General

Chapter 630 The Extermination Of The Brown Family Begins
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Chapter 630 The Extermination Of The Brown Family Begins

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Muffled sounds could be heard as the four hitmen landed on the window outside of Winston Luxury

Hotel's presidential suite.

They had a special suction device attached to them. Hence, they were able to stay on the window

easily. Within a few seconds, they reached for the miniature glass cutter they had with them and

created an entrance on the window.

Without further ado, the four hitmen snuck into the presidential suit swiftly.

Nathan, who was in the middle of the movie with his family, detected some noise coming from the

master bedroom.

He smirked as his eyes glinted. The man got up and whispered, "HI be right back, okay? Enjoy the

movie while I go get changed."

Once Nathan finished his sentence, he headed over to the master bedroom that was quite a distance

away from the living room. He opened the door and entered the room.

The moment Nathan stepped into the room, a flash of light could be seen as one of the Shadows tried

to ambush him.

One of the Shadows went for Nathan's neck with his dagger.

However, Nathan reached over and stopped him. He took over his dagger and counter-attacked him


The dagger went through the man's head through his chin. Eventually, Nathan stuffed the whole dagger

into the man's head.

Before the man could groan in pain, he had long passed on.

Once Nathan took one of the Shadows out, he closed the door.


Another one of them tried to slash Nathan's neck with his dagger.

Once again, Nathan stopped him and took over his dagger. He threw a punch at him using another

hand of his.

The man's head knocked on the wall and passed out, accompanied by the muffled sound.

The remaining Shadows rushed over immediately as soon as Nathan took one of them out.


He turned around and sliced their throats with his newly acquired dagger.

The remaining Shadows dropped their weapons as they held on to their slithered necks with their


Blood spewed from their wounds and they passed on due to excessive bleeding eventually.

Within a few seconds, Nathan had gotten rid of four top-notch hitmen.

In the meantime, Penny and others were having a great time watching the movie Nathan had chosen in

the living room. Even though an intense fight was going on in the master bedroom, they had no idea

due to the home theater system.

Finally, Nathan showed up in Blaire's range of attack.

However, before she could pull the trigger, Nathan had gotten away once again.

Immediately, Nathan leaned over and reached for the black suitcase he had under the bed. It turned

out to be a complete set of sniper rifle.

Nathan assembled the sniper rifle as soon as possible. Within half a minute, he had a brand new QBU-

88 sniper rifle assembled.

He raised the sniper rifle and got up abruptly. Once he got into position, he took aim at the building

opposite the hotel.

Blaire, who was searching for Nathan anxiously, didn't expect Nathan to show up out of nowhere.

They exchanged glances through the sniper rifle's scope.

Subconsciously, Blaire shuddered deep down as her eyes came into contact with Nathan's eyes

through the scope. She tried to fire a shot as soon as possible.

However, it was too late because Nathan got ahead of her and fired a shot before her.


Blaire saw a bullet through the scope. As time went by, the image of the bullet enlarged.

Eventually, Blaire's scope had been shattered into pieces.

The bullet catapulted all the way through the scope into Blaire's eyes. Eventually, it made it to her brain.

Consequently, Blaire collapsed to the ground. Soon, she was rendered unconscious as she died.

The man had a horrifying expression on his face. In fact, he was about to flee.

However, Colin and two of the Elite Eight showed up and got in his way.

In a callous tone, Colin warned, "Since you have made your way here, you might as well stay here for


"Till death, I fight!" Hawkeye yelled hysterically.

As soon as he finished his sentence, he rushed over and tried to pounce on Colin and his men.

However, Colin snorted contemptuously and replied, "You insolent fool!"

Hawkeye went unconscious and died right before he could even shriek from the excruciating sensation

he felt.

Initially, Tyson wanted to teach Nathan a lesson. Nevertheless, the hitmen he sent were all wiped out

by Nathan.

He could no longer suppress his anger when he saw the poster delivered together with their bodies.

The extermination of the Brown Family begins!

Tyson yelled hysterically as he destroyed the poster, "I'll definitely get you, Nathan!"

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