Salute To The General

Chapter 616 A Punch Is All It Takes
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Chapter 616 A Punch Is All It Takes

What? Eldon was taken out by a random subordinate of Nathan within a matter of seconds?

Suddenly, Tyler's eyes widened in disbelief. After all, Eldon had always been one of his most capable

aides. Usually, no one could outmatch him in terms of combat.

He could no longer suppress his emotions and yelled with all his might, "Joshua, mobilize everyone

and wipe them out! Don't hold back against them!"

"Yes, Mr. Pearson!"

Joshua reached for the daggers he had with him and pounced on Nathan immediately.

The men in black around them Joshua took out their batons and rushed towards Nathan as well.

"Elite Eight, on my command! Master's safety is the priority!" Colin instructed in a serious tone.

'Yes, Sir!" the Elite Eight answered


Colin stepped forward with the Elite Eight by his side. Their moves were synchronized as though they

would be able to take on anyone who tried to pick on them.

Suddenly, both parties ran into one another and an intense fight broke out among them.

Although Tyler brought the elites amongst the elites with him this time, he had no idea who they were

going up against.

Their opponents were none other than the General of the North's National Guards. In fact, they were

going up against the Captain of National Guards. Apart from that, the most capable members of the

National Guards were present as well.

In short, the nine opponents of Tyler had the capability to take out a platoon of military easily.

Hence, no matter how capable they were, it would be impossible for his men to

outmatch Colin and the Elite Eight.

Since the battle began, Joshua had been taken out by Colin using a gun. Eventually, Tyler's men

groaned in pain and fell to the ground one by one.

Tyler kept himself occupied throughout the battle as well. He had his eyes glued to Nathan as though

he was a predator that had its eyes on its prey.

As he made his way over to Nathan's side, he yelled, "Nathan, give me a fair fight! You're but the

outcast of the Cross Family! I'll kill you today once and for all for Aunt Helen!"

An outcast of the Cross Family! Helen!

Initially, Nathan had a poker face, but his expression turned slightly gloomier when he heard Tyler's


Nathan couldn't help but recall the fact that his father had chased his mother and him out of the family

because of Helen back then. Eventually, his mother passed on due to depression as a result of his

father's action.

Colin and the Eight Elite were about to get in Tyler's way because the man rushed over to Nathan's

side with a strong murderous intent.

However, Nathan instructed them without any emotion, 'Til take him out personally!"

When Tyler heard Nathan's instruction, he was delighted because he had been practicing all sorts of

martial arts since he was young. He used to be a mercenary back then. Hence, he was very confident

with his combat skills.

He thought Nathan must have had a death wish since he had given in to his request to have a fair fight

with him.

"A punch is all it takes for me to defeat you. If you can make it out alive, I'll let you live!" Nathan warned

Tyler in an indifferent tone.

"You insolent fool! I'll send you to hell!" Tyler yelled in return.

Tyler threw a powerful punch at Nathan in the chest with all his might the minute he went near Nathan.

Actually, it was indeed a powerful punch.

Consequently, once Tyler's fist came into Nathan's chest, it gave out a loud sound.

In fact, it distorted the flow of air around them as a result.

"That's insane!" John, who was down on his knees on the ground, was taken aback by Tyler's powerful


As soon as John finished his sentence, Nathan countered Tyler's punch and went offensive.

Nathan raised his palm and took Tyler's punch without a flinch.novelbin

Suddenly, Tyler's eyes widened in disbelief and horror. Obviously, he was shocked as it was written all

over his face.

He couldn't believe the punch he threw at Nathan with all his might had been countered so easily.

As soon as Nathan stopped Tyler, he raised his right foot.


As soon as Nathan's leg came into contact with Tyler's body, he was sent flying up.


Consequently, Tyler hit the ceiling made out of cement and it cracked in the shape of a cobweb.

Before long, he landed on the ground and the badly injured Tyler fell in front of Nathan.

The bleeding man shuddered as he tried his best to raise his head and look at Nathan in the eyes.

In the meantime, the battle in the restaurant had come to an end as well.

Obviously, every single one of Tyler's men had been taken out by Nathan's subordinate.

On the contrary, Colin and the Elite Eight remained unscathed.

John was down on his knees throughout the battle. He was the sole witness who survived the battle.

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