Salute To The General

Chapter 612 My Boss Does Not Know You
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Chapter 612 My Boss Does Not Know You

Soon, John had returned from singing.

He saw that Kylie had a terrible expression and that Nathan had been smiling ever since he started

singing, as though he was mocking him.

He suspected that Nathan had badmouthed him in front of Kylie.

After that, he took a seat and smiled, "Haha, I hope you guys didn't mind my poor singing."

Nathan smiled, "You sang well."

However, he did not comment about the poor choice of song.

John noticed that Nathan had been mocking him earlier, so now that he complimented him, he felt that

Nathan was just being sarcastic.

Then, he questioned, as if to test the waters, "Mr. Cross, what are your parents working as?"

Nathan replied plainly, "My parents are no longer with us. Now, I have a position in my wife's company

and live one day at a time."

"Hehl" John chuckled. Nathan's parents are dead.He's an orphan, so what kind of family background

can he have?

That chuckle made Nathan furious.Excuse me, butvihy are you laughing when I told you that my

parents were dead?

Penny and the others frowned as well.This guy has a sick sense of humor!

John did not notice the changes in their expression and continued haughtily, "Nathan, you're not much

older than me. You need to be more ambitious. Look at me. I'm from a rich family, but I struck it out on

my own. Not to brag, but I know influential people from all over the nation. In Channing alone, I know

the owner of this restaurant, Thomas Dunn! The king of the underworld and food and beverage tycoon

calls me Mr. Caulkin respectfully and offers me cigarettes!"

Penny and the others had a strange expression. They knew that Thomas Dunn was Nathan's

subordinate, who was particularly obedient to him.

Nathan smiled, "Do you know Thomas Dunn?"

John was taken aback. He was just bragging.

In fact, even though he was rather rich, he was not fit to even talk to an influential man like Dunn.

However, since he had said this, he could only continue pretending all the way. He would not disgrace

himself in front of Kylie.

John laughed, "Of course I do! Dunn might be powerful in Channing, but he's worthless in front of me

and obeys my every command!"

Nathan chuckled, "Is that so? In that case, you're quite the man."

At this point in time, the manager came down and brought a bottle of red wine worth a hundred

thousand over. He said respectfully, "Everyone, this is from my boss, Thomas Dunn. When he heard

that you were here, sir, he told me to bring you a bottle of red wine.”

John's eyes widened. He was bragging when he said that he knew Dunn well and that he was treated

with respect.

But what he didn't expect was that Dunn would actually bring him a bottle of top-class wine.

He became excited.Ah, what perfect timing! I'll look so cool now.

He told the manager arrogantly, "Hehe, I didn't expect Dunn to know that I'm here and give me a bottlenovelbin

of good wine. Tell him that John Caulkin is appreciative of his little gesture."

The manager was stunned!

John glared at him, "Hey, did you hear me?"

The manager glanced at Nathan with a strange expression as he set the wine down. Seeing as Nathan

remained silent, he said awkwardly, "I'll be sure to inform him of that."

John waved him off, "Scram, don't disturb us from our meal. Otherwise, I'll get Dunn to fire you!”

Before he finished speaking, the manager had returned.

Nathan and the others looked at the manager.

The manager replied, Tve conveyed your words to my boss."

John inquired, "And what did he say?" Content belongs to Dr?мanо


John's face turned abnormally red.

Argh, how embarrassing!

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