Salute To The General

Chapter 594 Get Out Now
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Chapter 594 Get Out Now

Benson was excited when Kayden knelt before and apologized to him. Besides, he felt that he regained

his dignity when the employees sneaked a look from outside.

This is all thanks to my beloved son-in-law!

Staring at Kayden and his lackeys, Benson asked with a haughty expression on his face, "Will you

touch me ever again?"

Kayden immediately replied pitifully, "No. We'll never do it again.”

In the end, Benson was still a gentleman. Since Kayden and his lackeys apologized, he held back his

anger and only sneered, "I won't let you off the hook next time if you do it again."

As soon as Benson finished, Kayden immediately said, "We'll never repeat it."

Meanwhile, Nathan said coldly, "Although my dad forgives you, I still have to teach you a lesson for

beating him. Each of you has to break one of your hands!" 'Yes sir!" Surprisingly, Kayden was relieved

when he heard that Nathan only wanted them to break one of their hands. The next moment, he

immediately grabbed a paperweight on the desk and brutally smashed it against his left arm.

Crack! Everyone present could hear the cracking sound of the bone and Kayden's wail.

This guy really broke his own left arm by himself!

Soon, his lackeys immediately followed suit and broke their own left arms by themselves.

At this moment, Penny, Benson, and the employees who sneaked a look were stunned.

Nevertheless, Nathan seemed emotionless and said blandly, "Get out now."

As such, Kayden and the rest ran off like some miserable dogs.

The employees of Cross Group, who were present and witnessed everything, were all stunned at that

moment, with only one thought in mind.Mr. Cross is indeed overbearing.

After Kayden and his men left for a while, Penny and the rest eventually recollected themselves.

Penny glanced at Nathan shockingly and asked, "How did you do that?"

Nathan explained gleefully, "It's simple. I discussed the matter with Russell Crow, mayor of Channing.

He was very concerned about it and immediately formed a joint enforcement team to force Kayden

Cook to repay his debt."

Penny and Benson still couldn't believe it and continued, "Is that true?"

Nathan said smilingly, "Of course. Since Cross Group is worth more than a hundred billion, it is now an

important source of tax revenues to Channing.”

After he explained it, Penny and the rest believed his story and felt that the mayor was a good leader.

When it was time to get off work, Nathan didn't go home with Penny but drove to the attorney general's

office instead. Once he arrived, he asked specifically to meet Peter Russo.

In Peter's office, Nathan sat on a chair and smoked a cigarette gracefully while Peter was nervously

reporting everything to Nathan.

After Peter finished his report, Nathan's lips quirked when he said, "So, Tyson Lund instructed Kayden

Cook and a group of liver cancer vaccine retailers to fall behind on their debt repayment to Cross

Group deliberately. And that's because he wanted to create a crisis of financial distress to Cross


Peter nodded and replied, "Yes, Peter Russo told me that in person."

Nathan continued composedly, "Do you have any other news?"

Peter immediately said, "Yes. When Kayden Cook invited me to lunch in the afternoon, I agreed to it on

purpose and managed to get a piece of important news from him."

Once Peter finished, Nathan yelled, "Say it!"

Peter continued, "Since Tyson Lund arrived secretly at Channing, he had been staying in Millennium

Times Club. Word had it that he invited a group of business partners of Cross Group to create more

troubles for the company."

Suddenly, Nathan's lips quirked. "That's interesting!"

When their eyes met, Peter was shocked and immediately lowered his head.


As such, Peter immediately felt relieved and said excitedly, "Thank you, Mr. Cross. Thank you, Mr.

Cross..." Reаd at Draмanоvels.comnovelbin

Peter replied anxiously, "Yes, I promise that both of us will keep our mouths shut."

Rating the Translation Will Gain Two Pearls.

Wait) I Have Something to Say!


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