Salute To The General

Chapter 556 Last Words
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Chapter 556 Last Words

As it turned out, the so-called gift was an expensive coffin.

Inside the living room, everyone had a different look on their faces as they stared at the rather eye-

catching coffin.

Nick's irises dilated as he looked at his present in disbelief.

Lying in his arms, Ferlyn had her hand over her lips, but the shock in her eyes could not be concealed.

The Dual-Bladed Killers, who were in standby mode to kill, turned even grimmer.

Sean Smith and his family were flabbergasted, too. Their eyes would have popped out of their sockets

if such an action were physically possible.

Penny was surprised. She became nervous and scared.

They had agreed to get the Griffins an expensive gift in order to make an apology and ask them to

show mercy. Nathan, however, got them an expensive coffin.

It's over. We're dead.

Penny's heart slumped immediately, and she felt hopeless.

Nathan, however, looked calm as he stared at Nick, who was still sitting on the master's seat. Nathan

sounded nonchalant when he clarified, "As the ancient saying goes, things never happen over three

times. This is the third time your group has come to Channing to mess with us, even after I have

already given you two chances to leave. I gave you an inch, and you have stretched it into a mile. As

such, this coffin is the best gift I can get you."

Nick pushed Ferlyn out of his arms, and he looked even crueler. He grinned evilly at Nathan then

cussed, "Even the gods are too scared to take my life, so I think you'd better keep the coffin for yourself

because I won't be using it!"

"Kill him!"

The Dual-Bladed Killers directed their attention to Nathan.

Nathan had his hands behind his back, and his eyes remained shining like the stars.

Colin and eight other powerful men stood respectfully behind Nathan.

The Dual-Bladed Killers saw the serenity of Nathan's gaze and felt his calm but deep eyes resembling

the deep ocean trenches. No one could glean any emotion from those eyes of his.

The Dual-Bladed Killers were reckless murderers who would kill anyone who annoyed them even a


That day, the duo hesitated for reasons unknown.

Even worse for the two of them, their eyes twitched when they saw Nathan's calm gaze, and a chill ran

down their spines. Nervous sweat rolled down their foreheads at the same time.

The two murderers were vile and cunning hellhounds who had wandered the deserts. Their sixth sense

detected something fatal and dangerous coming

out of Nathan.

Nick saw how the Dual-Bladed Killers, who had always killed instantly on command, were hesitating

and somewhat scared.

He grumbled, "What are you waiting for?”

The Dual-Bladed Killers had instinctively sensed danger from Nathan.

However, as Nick had given his orders, the pair had no choice but to attack while praying that the

danger they sensed was just an error.

Zip! Zip!

A black and a white figure zipped over to Nathan at an incredible speed, as fast as lightning.

On the other hand, Colin and the Elite Eight made a move.

Two of the Elite Eight guarded Nathan, and two others stayed by Penny's side.

Colin and the rest attacked the Dual-Bladed Killers.

Violence ensued. Updаted at Drамanоvels.cом

Cusses, punches, screams... Various horrifying tunes played.

Colin punched and killed the black-robed man when the latter was about three meters away from


Soon after, the elderly man in the white coat was about one meter away from Nathan when he was also



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