Salute To The General

Chapter 548 Dream On
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Chapter 548 Dream On

Barry and Denise arrived in front of Cloud Palace in the Axis of Channing with their mercenaries as well

as the Smiths. Before they could enter the restaurant, however, their path was blocked by Thomas.

Barry did indeed have a hundred people with him, but so did Thomas.

"A good dog knows how to stay out of the way! Get Nathan out here," Barry smiled coldly.

"Mr. Cross is having lunch with his family. No one is allowed to disturb them. Please leave,” Thomas


Barry was one of the most influential people in the East. Not a single soul in the East's underworld

would ignore his order.

And yet, his words were brushed aside in Channing, as if they meant nothing.

It sparked fury in Barry's heart.

"Death it is, then," Barry sneered and ordered his men, "kill him."

"Yes, Sir!" one of the mercenaries, Landon, replied.

Landon was one of Barry's most trusted subordinates. He was a Goliath of a man that even his large

suit appeared small on him.

Landon paced forward and threw a punch toward Thomas's head.

Thomas grunted and nimbly moved sideways to avoid the punch. At the same time, he swiped his leg

up high.

With a loudbang, Thomas landed his kick precisely on Landon's head, causing Landon to spit out blood

and collapse.

Barry and his gang had never expected Thomas to be so good a fighter, to the point where he could

knock down a professionally-trained mercenary with one hit.

Of course, along with surprise, what Barry felt more of was anger.

"Not bad. That's why you dare to act all high and mighty, but you're still nothing to me." Barry said


As soon as Barry closed his mouth, he charged at Thomas. Barry's movement was so fast that the

others could only catch the afterimage of Barry.

Barry's group was excited; they started to watch the ensuing fight with eagerness.

Thomas's eyes widened because he was surprised for the first time.

Barry's strength was beyond Thomas's expectation. The former was far stronger than the latter.

Just as Barry's punch was about to land on Thomas, a huge body stopped Barry's path and threw out a

punch of his own.

That person was none other than Colin Dunne.

Colin's and Barry's punches clashed with a loud thud. Colin's expression remained unchanged while

Barry's face was filled with surprise as his hand felt numb.

"You!" Barry gasped as he stared at Colin with uncertainty. Even after exchanging a punch with Colin,

Barry still could not assess Colin's strength.

"Mr. Cross wishes to see you," Colin said blandly.

Thomas stared at Barry furiously while Colin calmly jeered, "You? Dream on!"

"You are the first person ever to be so rude to me. I'll remember you!" Barry scolded.

Colin only smiled, clearly suggesting that Barry posed no threat to him, and this angered Barry even

more. New chаpter av?ilable on Drаmanоvels.cом

As Barry entered the restaurant, they realized that there were no other customers.

Nathan, Penny, Queenie, and the rest were enjoying their meal at the centermost table of thenovelbin


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