Salute To The General

Chapter 538 Maintaining A Low Profile
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Chapter 538 Maintaining A Low Profile

Black Panther!

Black Panther was one of the most frightening figures of the underground sector that had joined the

Southern Commerce Association.

He had the blood of over a hundred men on his hands and just as many devoted followers.

Once Nathan and Penny lay eyes on the terrifying Black Panther, they will likely be so scared that they

will just obediently agree to join our association!

Reginald and Harrison both grinned. "That's a great plan! We need to show Nathan and Penny who's in

charge here; otherwise, they won't know what's good for them."

Meanwhile, in a meeting room in the Alberesque government building, Zach Hill, Patrick Ward, Franklin

Wilson, Theo Crawford, Oscar Anderson, Edwin Lynch, and other military leaders were happily chatting

away with Nathan Cross and Penny.

Governor Patrick Ward was grinning at Penny. "Ms. Smith, don't worry. Your Cross Group is one of the

South's most outstanding civilian-run corporations. We will definitely give it the support it deserves."

"Since you're intending to start a second pharmaceutical factory here, we'll also provide whatever

support you need policywise."

Penny didn't know most of the leaders that were seated there, but she did know Governor Ward.

She was very touched to hear that he was fully behind the expansion of Cross Group, and she quicklynovelbin

expressed her gratitude. "Thank you, Governor Ward, and thank you to all of you for your support and


Patrick looked at his watch then smiled at Nathan. "Mr. Cross, I've asked them to prepare something

for us. Shall we go and have our meal now?"

Nathan smiled. "Sure!

Zach Hill concurred. "Let's go. I can't wait to have a drink or two with Mr. Cross.”

And so, Nathan, Penny, Zach, and a whole host of high-level military personnel left the meeting room

and went downstairs.

A few vans were already outside waiting forthem.

As it turned out, both Commander-in-chief Zach Hill and Governor Patrick Ward liked to maintain a low


Instead of using military vehicles or government-issued cars, they chose a couple of non-descript vans.

The lot of them got into the vans and headed out.

However, unbeknownst to Nathan and Penny, a staff at the hotel they stayed the night before had been

bribed by the Southern Commerce Association; he had managed to sneak a mini tracker into Penny's


At that very moment, the trio from the

Southern Commerce Association was able to track the exact whereabouts of Nathan and Penny.

The vans carrying Nathan and the rest of the military personnel hadn't gone far when a whole parade

of cars suddenly appeared and boxed them in.

Fred Milton, Harrison Zedd, Reginald Warner, Black Panther, and over a hundred men disembarked

the cars, each carrying weapons such as iron pipes, knives, and cleavers.

The five vans remained completely silent and motionless. Not even the drivers disembarked.

Fred's face darkened, and he turned to give

Black Panther a signal. Re?d at Dr?mа?оvе

He raised the pipe and swung it down hard on the van's headlights, smashing it with a loud crash.

"You f**kers! Are you deaf? Our president wants you bloody imbeciles out of the van!"

"I'll count to three. If you don't get your asses out here, then my men and I will be happy to help you


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