Salute To The General

Chapter 514 Dr Rothschild Has Arrived
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Chapter 514 Dr Rothschild Has Arrived

At the entrance of Channing International Airport, numerous of luxury cars were parked outside and

many VIPs waited patiently with their subordinates.

There were even many reporters waiting nervously with their cameras and recorders.

Everybody seemed to be aware that Dr. Rothschild was coming to Channing!

All the bigshots in Channing were itching to get acquainted with Dr. Rothschild and butter him up; all

the reporters in Channing were itching to broadcast this piece of news.

Many CEOs of pharmaceutical companies wished to invite Dr. Rothschild to become their brand

ambassadors. In fact, if they could even take a picture of Dr. Rothschild visiting their company, it would

be a bonus fortheir marketing campaigns.

When Penny saw such a massive crowd, she was rather dazed by it.novelbin

At this moment, an army of soldiers from the North in full armor escorted an old but sprightly man out of

the airport.

"Dr. Rothschild has arrived!"

The crowd buzzed with excitement.

Everyone tripped over themselves as they surged forward in an attempt to get their invitation across to

Dr. Rothschild.

However, they were forced back by the soldiers who used their submachine guns to push them away.

When Penny and the rest saw this, they said worriedly among themselves, "If we go up to him, will we

be driven away by these soldiers?"

Nathan laughed. "How is that even possible?"

As he spoke, he walked up to the soldiers. Although Penny and the others were nervous, they had no

choice but to follow him.

When Dr. Rothschild and the North soldiers saw Nathan, elation filled their eyes.


The escort team made up of thirty soldiers immediately came to a halt when they saw Nathan. They

stood at attention neatly and saluted simultaneously, causing Penny and the others to blink in


The people around them were left open-mouthed by the sight as well. They couldn't understand why

they had been pushed back by the soldiers when they came forward, yet when Nathan walked up, the

soldiers saluted to him so respectfully?

Then, they watched as Dr. Rothschild shook Nathan's hand enthusiastically.

Dr. Rothschild laughed happily and said, "Mr. Cross, long time no see!"

Nathan grinned. "Dr. Rothschild, it's good to see you!”

The crowd was taken aback yet again. All of them were curious about who Nathan

was exactly.

Even Debbie was beginning to wonder about Nathan's identity.

Penny and the other company employees were not so surprised.

After all, they knew Nathan had been the one who invited Dr. Rothschild to conduct surgeries on the

few workers who were severely injured at the construction site of Cross Group. So, they were aware of

the close relationship between Nathan and Dr. Rothschild.

The reporters on site immediately lifted their cameras, clicking away rapidly when they saw Nathan and

Penny standing together with Dr. Rothschild.

At the same time, one of the reporters asked about the relationship between Dr. Rothschild and Cross


Dr. Rothschild smiled and said that he was here to become the brand ambassador of Cross Group.

Since Dr. Rothschild was the leading figure of the medical field, his word was law.

Debbie grinned at everyone and said, 'Tm here as the Cross Group's brand Reаd at Dramanovе

ambassador too. Besides, I'm also Dr.

Rothschild's fan, and I came to pick him up.”

Dear God!

The news that Debbie Lopez and Dr.

Rothschild were both Cross Group's brand ambassadors took everyone's breath away.

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