Salute To The General

Chapter 511 Only One Strike
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Chapter 511 Only One Strike

Debbie raised her head and stared at Nathan in astonishment.

When Kenji saw Nathan, he jumped in shock and stumbled backwards in fear.novelbin

His subordinates too looked as if they were face to face with their greatest foe.

But right at this moment, a man dressed in Japanese clothing appeared. He wore wooden clogs on his

feet, and his hair was very long. In his arms lay a long katana.

The samurai himself gave off a strong and threatening aura as if he was an unsheathed sword.

He was the main disciple of the Sword God of Japan. He was the new star in Japanese kendo for the

past ten years, Daniel Long, also known as Black Dog!

Daniel gazed at Nathan like a grim reaper looking at a poor soul. His voice was emotionless as he said,

'Til only strike once. If you can withstand that, I'll let you go."

I'll only strike once!

He speaks in such a strong and domineering manner!

Kenji and the others gazed at Black Dog in awe.

No wonder he's the most promising candidate to become the next Sword God of Japan!

Even Debbie and Jenny, who had no clue about battles and kendo, felt the menacing aura emanating

from Daniel.

Debbie gazed at Daniel in trepidation, and she began to worry for Nathan.

On the other hand, Jenny was trembling in a corner in fright.

Nathan looked at Daniel and suddenly asked, "Who is Miyamoto Ichiro to you?"

Upon hearing this, Daniel's grim expression finally shifted slightly.

He said proudly, "He is my master!

Miyamoto Ichiro was the Sword God of Japan. Tens of thousands of people worshipped him, and his

existence was, in fact, a national treasure.

Being Miyamoto's disciple, naturally, he was proud of that fact.

When Nathan heard that the man was Miyamoto's disciple, the corners of his mouth lifted slightly.

Three years ago, eighteen countries had sent out representatives to make up the Coalition Army and

invaded the North of the nation. Miyamoto Ichiro, the Sword God of Japan, was among those


Wielding his weapon, Nathan had crushed the Coalition Army, leaving behind destruction and despair

in his wake.

Miyamoto had fought against him too, but he hadn't even withstood a single blow from Nathan before

his weapon broke into two and his chest split open.

However, Miyamoto was pretty tenacious.

Despite his chest being split wide open by Nathan, he didn't die. He had escaped back to Japan.

This matter had been hidden well by the Japanese government. After Miyamoto escaped back to

Japan and treated his injuries, he realized that nobody in the whole of Japan knew he had lost so

dreadfully to others. So, he continued playing his role as the Sword God.

Right now, Nathan gazed at Daniel, a tiny smile playing on his lips. He said impassively, "Your master

couldn't even withstand a blow from me. How dare you make such an audacious claim?”

Daniel's face clouded over. "How insolent of you! Since you dare be rude toward my master, I'll kill you

right here today!"

Nathan crossed his arms and stood up. "Come at me then!" He said indifferently.

With one hand on the katana's handle and the other on its sheath, Daniel squatted down slightly in

preparation for an attack.

When Kenji and the others saw this, they became exhilarated.

They knew Daniel was preparing to launch the most impressive attack in kendo, the iaigiri!

In an iaigiri attack, one would usually only strike once.

Skilled samurais would move so fast that the attack would become a blur to onlookers.

This was the power and charm of the iaigiri.

Kenji and the others grew excited by the thought of witnessing such a great technique. Grinning, Kenji

even muttered to himself, "Haha! We're really lucky to be able to witness Mr. Long's iaigiri skill today!

Nathan, you're really lucky to be able to die by the iaigiri!" Co?tent of Drаmа?ovels.cоm

Daniel gazed at Nathan and said coldly, "Do you need a similar weapon?"

Nathan shook his head. "Nope. You're not worthy of that!"

Daniel's expression turned cold at his words. "You have a death wish indeed!

This strike of mine will teach you a lesson!"

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