Salute To The General

Chapter 471 Time For The Real Estate Firm To Go
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Chapter 471 Time For The Real Estate Firm To Go

Mrs. Kemp, together with Dale and the rest of the people, looked at Nathan Cross as though he was a


He expected the Chairman of Channing's top real estate group, Derek Harvey, to show up in just 10


He must be out of his mind to say that.

In Channing, who would dare talk to Mr.

Harvey like this? He must be insane to even pretend that he knew Mr. Harvey.

Dale sneered at him, "Young man, stop pretending like you know Mr. Harvey. Don't even think about

using Mr. Harvey's name to scare me."

"I will give you 10 minutes to think about it. If you do not kneel down before Mrs.

Kemp and beg her for forgiveness, it will be the end of you today!"

A smirk broke out on Nathan Cross's face. "Well, we shall see about that," he said.

Time was ticking fast. Dale looked at his Rolex and started grinning, "All right, time is up. Come onnovelbin

everyone, if this punk refuses to get down on his knees, we will have to help him with it!"

"Yes, Mr. Dale!"

Then entered a group of fierce-looking and well-built security guards who were getting ready to force

Nathan Cross down on his knees.

Suddenly, a helicopter appeared above the skies with a loud roar.

"Oh my, it looks like Mr. Harvey's personal helicopter!" someone exclaimed.

Much to everyone's shock, the helicopter landed gradually.

Just when the helicopter landed, Derek Harvey, who was in his 50's or 60's jumped off the helicopter


Everyone greeted Derek Harvey profusely when they saw him.

Just like a dog that saw its master, Dale could not stop beaming and took a few quick steps toward

Derek Harvey. "What brought you here Mr". Harvey?" He asked.

Before Dale could react, Derek Harvey gave him a hard slap on his face and yelled, "You blind fool, Mr.

Cross is the person whom I respect the most, how dare you threaten Mr. Cross? Do you want to be

thrown out of Channing?"

Dale held his face in disbelief. The excruciating pain on his face was nothing compared to what he had

just heard.

Even Mrs. Kemp, Ben Mason, and the rest of the security guards from the real estate firm were utterly


Derek Harvey was still fuming and could not hold back his anger. "What are all of you standing there

for? Apologize to Mr. Cross this instance!"

Dale shivered in fear and spoke with a shaky voice, "So-so-sorry... Mr. Cross...” The guards who were

standing behind Dale apologized to Nathan Cross as well.

Nathan Cross turned to Derek Harvey and spoke in a cold voice, "Derek, oh, Derek... You keep telling

people that the villas here in Riverside Garden are 5-star homes, but I don't feel home at all here."

Nathan continued, "Those who were clueless would think that they have just entered a thieves' den!"

Just as he finished his words, Derek Harvey turned around and spoke to Dale with a cold voice, "Get

out now, you and your firm. We no longer need your services anymore."

Feeling weak in his body and his face as pale as death, Dale fell to his knees with a thud. New ch?pter

av?ilable o? Draмаnоvеls.cоm

Derek Harvey could not be bothered with Dale and turned to look at Mrs. Kemp. She started trembling!

"I will buy back your house at the same price, so please get out of Riverside Garden now. You are no

longer welcome here."

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