Salute To The General

Chapter 435 Where Is Mary Sharp
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Chapter 435 Where Is Mary Sharp

Night fell and the streets of Channing were brightly lit.

As it was around dinner time, Ivory Teahouse, which was situated along the shores of Lake Rose, was

brimming with diners.

However, a group of unwanted guests suddenly barged into the restaurant.

The man, who appeared to be the leader of the group, was dressed in a tailor-made suit, and had a

princely air of aristocracy.

He was none other than Trip Turner, the boss of the Ocean Corporation, who was also the youngest

son of the King of the South.

Standing behind the man were his four subordinates-scrawny Wraith, strong-built Steel-face who was

wearing a steel mask, chubby and smiling Maitreya, as well as youthful-looking and effeminate Akao.

Bill Zanker, the head of security of Ivory Teahouse, approached the group with a few security guards.

With a suspicious look on his face, Bill asked, "What are you guys here for?"

Trip Turner smiled subtly and replied, "I heard that your lady boss, Mary Sharp, is a very attractive

woman. Get her here to have a cup of tea with me."

"Who do you think you are? How dare you treat our lady boss like a hostess. Scram now, or else, we

will call the police!” Bill yelled angrily.

Trip Turner's face darkened and he instructed coldly, "This dog's barks are getting on my nerves, killnovelbin


"Yes, Mr. Turner!"

One of the Fantastic Four, Steel-face, who was standing behind Trip Turner, stepped forward and

swung his fist towards Bill's head.


Bill's skull split apart instantly and his brains were splattered all over the floor.

The other diners in the teahouse began to scream in horror.

Among the security guards was Bill's younger brother, Wayne.

Witnessing the tragic death of his brother, Wayne's eyes turned red at once as tears started to form. He

sprang towards Trip Turner and his group, and wailed, "You killed my brother! I'll avenge him!"


Wraith, who was next to Trip Turner, darted out like a phantom, moving at the speed of lightning. He

collided head-on with Wayne.


Wayne flew backward from the impact of the collision and crashed onto the floor, with his body littered

with bloody holes.

On the other hand, the small and scrawny Wraith was standing firmly on his spot, with a menacing

sneer on his face. He was holding a human's heart in his hands, which was still dripping blood.

Wraith lifted his head and opened his mouth before stuffing the heart into it. He seemed no different

from a snake swallowing its prey.

How could such a tiny mouth stuff down a whole, raw heart just like that?

The crowd could feel their scalps tingle and their blood ran cold.

A few, who were unable to withstand the gore, had turned their heads away and started throwing up.

Trip Turner remained composed and smiled gently at the crowd. "As you could see for yourselves,

today is not really a good day to have tea here. I'll give all of you one minute to leave this place," he


Upon hearing Trip Turner's words, without a moment of hesitation, the diners took off like a bullet.

Duh. Even the stupidest person could tell that Trip Turner was a monster who killed without batting an

eyelid. No sane person would

dare to stay on!

In a matter of seconds, there were only ten over beautiful tea mistresses left in the spacious Ivory


Even the teahouse's waiters and security guards had run away, together with the rest of the diners.

Meanwhile, Trip Turner sat down at a table. He waved at the most gorgeous tea mistress and

instructed, "You, come over here and brew some tea for me."

That tea mistress who Trip Turner had his eyes on was Mary's eldest disciple, Samantha Young.

Samantha walked over cautiously and said with a slight tremble in her voice, "What tea would you like

to have, sir?"

"Give me some Biluochun tea!" Trip Turner replied with a grin.

Samantha started brewing the tea immediately, not allowing a second of delay.

Samantha's face turned ashen with fright, and she wanted to dodge Akao's touch by moving backward.

But before she could move a step, Trip Turner said, "Stay where you are, if you dare to move away,

your life would be over."

Samantha was scared out of her wits and was about to burst into tears. With her voice shaking, she

said, "Then... w-what shall I do?"

Trip Turner replied with a faint smile, "Just pretend that he's not there and continue pouring my tea."

Akao stuck out his long tongue and licked on Samantha's face greedily, cleaning up the drops of blood

on her face. When he was satisfied, he closed his eyes and said in a frigid tone, "A pretty lady's blood

is delicious indeed." New chаpter av?ilable on Drаmа?оvеls.cоm

Samantha was so terrified that she was shaking uncontrollably. She was already on the verge of losing

her sanity!

Trip Turner asked with a smile, "Where's Mary Sharp?”

"S-she's upstairs..." Samantha replied gingerly.

Just then, a female voice could be heard from the staircase, saying in a cold tone, "There's no need

forthat, I'm already here."

Mary Sharp, who was dressed in a green embroidered Chinese dress, walked down the stairs with a

grim expression on her face.

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