Salute To The General

Chapter 404 What If I Refuse
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Chapter 404 What If I Refuse

"I have to come for you the moment you called my name over the phone. I shall not tolerate anyone

who bullies you," Nathan Cross replied gently.

"Just close your eyes and rest for a while. Once I'm done with these bastards, I will take you home."

Penny Smith stared into his determined eyes. She chose to trust him and nodded, closing her eyes as

she was told to.

A few steps away, upon seeing the arrival of Nathan Cross, Thomas Dunn revived and struggled to sit

up. He glared at Terrence Ortiz and his gang with hatred. "You're doomed!”

Of course, Terrence Ortiz and Zucker Johnson wouldn't bother about what Nathan Cross and Thomas

Dunn said.

Terrence Ortiz laughed mockingly. "Stop your nonsense at once. If you don't cooperate, not even the

deities can save you."

He signaled to one of his subordinates by pursing his lips. The man took out a contract from a briefcase

and handed it to Nathan Cross.

"This is the contract for handing over the manufacturing rights, Nathan Cross. Make Penny Smith sign

on it and I will consider sparing your lives." Terrence Ortiz narrowed his eyes.

Zucker Johnson snickered, "Mind you, we may change our minds any time."

Nathan let out a slight smile. "What if I refuse?"

Terrence shouted, "Come here, The Assassin!"

The Assassin was sharpening his knife a few steps away when Terrence called him. He stopped and

got up, staring at Nathan with murderous eyes like a butcher staring at his livestock before slaughtering


There was a smug on Terrence Ortiz's face. "Teach him a lesson. Remember, don't kill him right away, I

want it to be a slow and tormenting death. Best if you can cut his limbs one by one, and let's see if he

will regret his actions."

He turned his head and glanced at the tied-up Penny Smith not far away.

He didn't believe that Penny could bear to watch her husband being tortured to death and do nothing

about it.

As long as she softened up and agreed to sign the contract, he would achieve his goal of obtaining the

manufacturing rights to the liver cancer vaccine.

The Assassin wielded his butcher knife as he strode towards Nathan Cross.

He was a man that weighed over 300 pounds and was loaded with body fat like a sturdy hill.

The ground shook with every step he took.

He glared mockingly at Nathan. "I'll let you choose, lad. Shall I cut your left arm first or your right arm?"

Nathan taunted by curling his finger at The Assassin. "I bet your mother can't even love you even if she

really tried, you hideous monster. Come on!"

Angered by Nathan's remark, The Assassin let out a furious roar and charged at him.

With all his might, he brought the knife down on Nathan's left shoulder.

He was trying to slice off Nathan's entire arm!novelbin

Nathan didn't even bulge. He merely raised his left hand and grabbed The Assassin's wrist.

The Assassin's eyes widened with shock.

Terrence Ortiz, Zucker Johnson, Black Lady, and the others were staring in disbelief.

Nathan Cross can withhold The Assassin's blow that easily?

Gosh, this is The Assassin we are talking about! The powerhouse that is known as a ruthless killing

machine, and the monster that King of the South himself raised in the crypt of his home!


The Assassin stared incredulously at the man in front of him. He never felt such a sense of dread

surging in his heart before.

At that terrifying moment, Nathan made his move.

He leaped into the air and aimed his knee at The Assassin's chest.


His knee made contact with The Assassin's chest and made a deafening sound.

This was followed by The Assassin flying backwards.

He was instantly dead from the blow of Nathan Cross! Co?tent оf Dr?м??оvels.coм

Terrence, Zucker, and Black Lady took a sharp breath.

Most of the 200 subordinates around them were already shivering from fear.

This is The Assassin we are talking about! And now, with just one blow from Nathan Cross's knee and

he's dead?

Such excitement and awe in Penny's eyes were unconcealable!

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