Salute To The General

Chapter 386 I Am Henry Smith
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Chapter 386 I Am Henry Smith

Back at the Smith family home, Henry and Sean were waiting for Penny to come and beg for


Soon, Marco Smith and Jacob Smith came back, but there was still no sign of Penny.

They appeared embarrassed and disheveled. Henry stared at them nervously and asked, "What

happened to the two of you? Where's Penny?"

Marco looked shamefaced as he lowered his head and said, "Penny is sleeping, so she won't be


Pointing at their limp and flaccid hands, Jacob Smith complained indignantly, "Mr. Smith, Penny's

husband, Nathan, broke our hands!"


Not only did Penny refuse to come, but her husband broke their hands too.

Henry's eyes widened in shock and anger.

Sean gave Henry a wry smile. "Mr. Smith, I was right. Penny is arrogant, and her husband is absurd."

Henry sneered, "How dare they put on a haughty front before the Smith Family! Who in the whole of

Alberesque doesn't know my name!? Even the King of the South, Mr. Turner, respects and addresses

me as Mr. Smith!”

Henry added, "Nathan and Penny probably didn't know I was the one who asked for them. That's why

they have the guts to rebel against me!"

Sean and the others nodded their heads in agreement. Undoubtedly, Henry had a prominent status in

Alberesque, so no one dared to offend him.

Henry felt smug that Sean and everyone present acknowledged his status. He took out his phone while

asking for Nathan's number.

He was going to call Nathan personally so that Nathan and Penny would come over to apologize and

receive their penalties on their knees.

Immediately, the call got through, and he could hear Nathan's voice on the other side of the phone,


Henry tilted his head and said proudly, "Are you Nathan Cross? I'm Mr. Smith, and I want you to..."

Before Henry could finish speaking, Nathan was already feeling impatient as he said in an icy tone,

"Who the hell are you? Get lost!"

Nathan hung up the phone right away.

Henry's expression froze, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

All eyes were on him as Sean asked curiously, "Mr. Smith, what did Nathan say?”

Henry grumbled with embarrassment, "I must have gotten the wrong number. Let me try again!"

He dialed Nathan's number again.

The call was picked up again, and Henry

Smith quickly said, "Nathan, I want you and your wife to come to the Smith family home right now to

receive your punishment..."

"Get lost!”

After saying this, Nathan ended the call again.

Henry was now covered in sweat, and his face heated up.

It was indeed humiliating.

Sean smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Smith, I told you Nathan is full of himself. He doesn't respect you allnovelbin

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"Let me call him again!"

The moment Nathan answered the phone,

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