Salute To The General

Chapter 315 What If I Say No
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Chapter 315 What If I Say No

Nathan seemed unfazed as he walked out of the door, coming face to face with Yancy, Phil and a

group of bloodthirsty men.novelbin

He froze for a moment before smiling lightly. "Are you here to thank me for saving you? There's no

need for that."

"Hmph! The only reason why you could defeat him was that I punched him first! I must prove myself to

Ms. Smith!" Yancy snarled.

Phil walked to the front of the crowd and squinted at Nathan. "My name is Phil Jones, and I'm a good

friend of Yancy's. I'm an 'all-rounded fighter' just like him. We're here to take back the glory that belongs

to him!"

"Huh?" Nathan asked, frowning.

Phil Jones puffed out his chest and said, "I'm just as powerful as Yancy, so I'll fight you on his behalf. If

I defeat you, you must apologize to Yancy for injuring him and stealing his limelight."

Leah and the others emerged from their rooms at that moment. "Nathan, just close the door," Leah

warned, her anxiety mounting.

Nathan nodded and turned to face the crowd. "I'm sorry. My mom-in-law says no!"

After that, he turned around and slammed the door in their faces.

The group could only stand and stare in shock.

Yancy's face was ashen from anger. "He's unreasonable!"

Phil was furious as well, as he had never seen anyone who dared to disrespect him like that. "I'm not

leaving until justice is served tonight!"

After that, he gestured at his friends with his eyes.

They leapt forward immediately and started to ram on the door with their palms.

Phil stood by the door and started to yell, "Nathan Cross! Aren't you supposed to be really powerful?

Why are you acting like a scaredy-cat? Do you think you can hide from me? I'm going to count to three,

and if you refuse to come out, I'm trashing your house!"

He started counting. "One... Two... Three!"

The door did not budge even after he counted to three. Phil turned to one of his stronger friends and

said, "Kick the door open!"

The well-built, muscular man nodded. "Alright!"

After that, he lifted his foot and made a move to kick the door.

However, before he could do that, the door opened on its own, with Nathan standing behind it.

The big guy was about to land a kick on Nathan's body.

"Nice!" Phil and Yancy shouted in unison.

However, they had underestimated Nathan's reflexes. Before they knew it, Nathan had dodged the

man's kick and raised his foot in a counterattack.


The big guy's gigantic body was sent flying, and he landed with a loud thud by Phil and Yancy's feet.

The two of them began to regret shouting praises before the big guy actually landed the kick.

Nathan put his hands behind his back and walked out slowly. "Well, I didn't want to do this, but I guess I

have no choice."

Phil and his friends pulled the big guy up from the ground.

Phil glared at Nathan and sneered. "If you want us to let you go, sure. Just apologize to Yancy. He was

the one who beat Fabian! Also, you have to leave Ms. Smith alone! You're not worthy of her and she

belongs to Yancy!"

"What if I say no?" Nathan asked coldly.

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