Salute To The General

Chapter 269 Have You Finished With Your Nonsense
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Chapter 269 Have You Finished With Your Nonsense

At a spa center at Mt. Nova, Charles Zabinski was relaxing in a hot spring with two beautiful women atnovelbin

his beck and call.

He stared grimly at the severely injured Tobin Jacobs and asked angrily, "Nathan Cross said today is

the deadline for the Zabinskis to retire from the scene? And he wants me to kneel before him and


Tobin was standing with his shoulders hunched over. "Yes, sir. That's what Nathan Cross said."

Charles was so mad he couldn't help but snort. "What an arrogant ass. I will never kneel before him nor

will we, the Zabinskis ever retire!”

At that very moment, a chilling voice traveled in from outside the private room. "Then today will be the

last day on earth for you and the Zabinski family."

Charles, Tobin, and the bodyguards that were standing around were all taken aback by the sudden


Charles growled, "Who is that?"

The door to the private spa room opened.

And in strode Nathan, with Colin Dunne, Thomas Dunn, and the Elite Eight behind him.

Charles eyes grew wide in shock. "It's you! Nathan Cross!"

Nathan gave him a small smile. “I heard you wanted to see me, so I came.”

Charles continued to stare at Nathan in disbelief. He had sent a team to grab Nathan, dead or alive.

Yet, that very team he dispatched had gotten severely beaten up then ran back with their tails tucked

between their legs.

And more importantly, he didn't expect Nathan himself to just appear before him.

Several emotions flashed across his face, before he yelled loudly, "Get him! Get them all!"

Charles had gathered all the elite fighters in his family. So at that very second, there were over one

hundred very skilled, very strong men in the spa center.

And yet, even after he yelled until his breath ran out, not one of those men appeared.

"You can stop shouting. We already took care of them when we first came in.

They're all lying on the ground and taking a little nap right now," said Nathan casually.


Charles' eyes grew even wider. Those men of his were all highly-trained and very competent. They

were practically the pillars of the Zabinski family.

So how on earth did Nathan and his ten men went up against a hundred of his own, and without

making any sound no less!

With terror in his eyes, Charles stared at Nathan. "What do you want?"

Nathan answered calmly. "Ever since Jerry

Zabinski provoked me, I've been continuously giving chances to your family. Sadly, you Zabinskis enjoy

digging your own graves. Again and again, you come and test my limits and even try to harm my


"And now you've gone over the line. This is the end of the road for the Zabinskis.”

Charles suddenly thought of something. He put on his bravest face and yelled, "You dare kill me? You

want to wipe out the Zabinskis? Ha! Do you not know who the person behind the Southern Four is?”

"It's the King of the South, Dip Turner himself!" yelled Charles.

"All four of our families belong to Mr. Turner, and we take orders from him. If you dare touch us

Zabinskis, you will piss off Mr. Turner, and mark my words, the streets of Channing will be stained with


The King of the South naturally does not mean a literal King.

In this day and age, there weren't such things as kings.

But Dip Turner had a very formidable reputation in the South. He had held various important positions

for about twenty years, and because of him, the South prospered and thrived.

Even though he has been retired for many years, the successors he mentored and groomed, as well as

his personal connections, were aplenty and covered the whole of the South.

In the South region, anything and everything he said was the law. Dip Turner was the King of the


Allegedly, there was once a governor who wished to build a high-speed rail in one of the districts in the


When he applied for the rights to the land, no matter what methods he tried, the locals wouldn't agree

to it.

In the end, with his back against the wall, he made a call to Dip Turner to ask for his help.

So clearly, Dip Turner was very much an all-powerful figure in the South.

No one from the underground circles, nor anyone from the above-ground circles dared to cross Mr.


Even when the police or people from justice departments were transferred to the South for work, they

had to make sure to build a good relationship with Dip. Co?tent оf Dr?м??оvels.coм

Otherwise their plans or projects wouldn't be able to run as smoothly.

So the person behind the four major families, the Southern Four, was none other than Dip Turner!

this earth."

Nathan looked at the self-satisfied Charles and raised an eyebrow. "Are you done spouting your


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