Salute To The General

Chapter 265 Do You Still Want To Mess With Me
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Chapter 265 Do You Still Want To Mess With Me

Nathan gave a quick rundown of the events to Harrison.

Harrison was outraged by what he heard and was about to dole out punishments, when they heard

loud noises drift in from outside.

Nathan, Penny, Chief Lambert, and the others all froze.

They walked out of the on-call room to have a look at what was happening.

When they followed the corridor down, they saw Benson Smith standing there with his chest puffed out

looking like an angry lion.

And in front of Benson, knelt Doberman and the rest of the Hounds.

A few cops were standing by the side, while the Police Captain himself, Zed Walker, was speaking to

Benson. "Mr. Smith, these were the men who attacked you earlier. Your son-in-law Nathan Cross asked

us to drag them here and have you decide what to do with them."

Benson was pleasantly surprised. He didn't think his son-in-law was powerful enough to actually get a

hold of the gang members who attacked him.

Without even an ounce of hesitation, he gave each of the gang members before him a good hard slap.

This allowed Benson to finally vent out his anger and frustration. He stood up straight with his head

held high and scoffed, "Let's see if you dare mess with me again."

Doberman and the rest of the Hounds were sobbing pathetically. "No more! We won't!..."

Yuri, who was watching the scene unfold, felt his forehead break out in cold sweat. This is what the

gang members get for messing with Benson Smith? Is this what's going to happen to me too?

Or... worse?

He truly felt that he could start crying at any moment.

Leah and Kylie went up to Benson and held on to him, urging him to not waste his anger on them as

they weren't worth it.

Nathan and Penny also walked over, with Penny looking especially confused. "Dad, what's going on?"

Benson was quite thrilled to see his daughter and son-in-law. He explained animatedly, "Sweetie,

Nathan is amazing! He said he was going to drag whoever attacked me over here and make them

apologize to me, Io and behold, he actually did it!"

Penny turned to look at Nathan questioningly, "How?"

Nathan pointed to Zed Walker and the other cops who were standing off to the side. "I reported it to the

police. The very capable Captain Walker and his team were able to apprehend these gang members

right away."

Penny and her family believed Nathan's claims and so they quickly thanked Zed and his team.

"No, don't thank us. We were just doing our jobs," assured Zed.

Kylie on the other hand, couldn't help but roll her eyes at Nathan.There he goes being all humble again

and pretending that he didn't do much.

Of all the people in the waiting area, Yuri Mendelson was looking the most pale.

Zed Walker and his cops often brought criminals to the hospital for checkups.

And because they've all interacted with each other before, Yuri naturally knew Zed and knew what a

prominent figure he was.

Yuri couldn't stop his body from trembling or from sweating profusely. He was flooded with immense


If he could turn back time, he would absolutely, positively not run away when Benson was getting


Unfortunately, there was no such thing as turning back time.

He wished the earth would open up and swallow him whole so no one could ever find him. New chаpternovelbin

av?ilable on Drаmanоvels.cом

Unfortunately for him, at that very moment, Nathan's gaze turned to him.

Nathan's tone was icy. "Aren't you going to come over and apologize to my father?"

A shiver ran up Yuri's spine. "Yes, yes, yes, I'll apologize to Mr. Smith right away!"

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