Salute To The General

Chapter 1802
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Chapter 1802

Hearing the demands from outside, Saxon endured the pain and sneered. "All of you have been surrounded by our army. Show me how you're going to leave now."

Nathan chuckled. "We don't need to run. We merely need to walk out of here. But of course, you'll have to accompany us."

Right outside the building, tanks, armored cars, and helicopters were all in position. There were also thirty thousand Xyperian soldiers armed to the tooth surrounding the area.

Many snipers were already in position aiming at the entrance from a distance, awaiting permission to shoot.

Just as the Xyperian army was waiting, someone came out!

All the soldiers cautiously placed their fingers over the trigger while aiming at the entrance.

However, they were shocked to see the person who appeared.

It was none other than the Xyperian commander-in-chief - Saxon Murphy.

He had blood and severe injuries all over him. It was obvious that he was in a terrible state.

Meanwhile, Nathan was close at his back, and they were protected in a closed formation by Colin and the Elite Eight.

Hence, the Xyperian soldiers and the snipers couldn't find an angle to aim at Nathan.

Unbeknownst to them, both Nathan and Colin had their guns pressed against Saxon's back.

It seemed that their commander-in-chief, Saxon, would be dead before any of them could make a move.

The commander on the scene was Cody, a lieutenant general.

He frowned at their commander-in-chief, Saxon, being held hostage by Nathan.

Reports from the snipers were filling in through his in-ear right at that moment.

"Sniper One reporting, I'm unable to aim at the enemies behind General Saxon." "Sniper Two reporting, ditto."

"Sniper Three reporting..." "Sniper Four reporting..." All the snipers reported that they couldn't get a clear shot at Nathan, so they were unable to open fire.

Cody turned dour and said gravely, "Enemies from Eurasia, I warn you now to release our commander-in-chief, and you will be left alive. Else, I assure you all would die a tragic death."


Just as Cody finished his words, a deafening gunshot sounded as a reply.

Nathan had shot Saxon's right ear, and blood gushed out immediately like the waterfall.

“Arrrgggggghhhh!" Saxon let out an agonized scream.

Instantly, Cody's face became livid with rage. "You b**tard! What are you doing?"

Nathan jeered, "If you want him alive, prepare an armored car for us, then make way for us to



Cody coldly retorted, "You think you can run away after what you've done?"

However, Nathan said indifferently, "Just do as I asked!"

Cody glared at Nathan and then glanced at Saxon, who was held hostage.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Just then, a general whispered to Cody, "The enemy is very cunning. We can't guarantee General Saxon's safety if we killed them."

After a long while of contemplating, Cody finally ordered, "Someone give them an armored car."

Just like that, an armored car was quickly given to Nathan.

Despite so, Nathan and others still held onto Saxon as they got into the armored car.

Throughout this entire process, none gave the Xyperian troops a chance to shoot.


The armored car drove along the path made by the Xyperian army and left the headquarters at an astonishing speed.

"Lieutenant General Cody, how

should we proceed? We can't let them capture our

commander-in-chief from the

headquarters. This would be

humiliation to the reputation of the Xyperian army." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org


Cody narrowed his eyes and said, "They thought they could run. But mark my words - I will not let them go back to Eurasia alive no matter what, even if Saxon had to die. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Give an order to the fighter jets and helicopters to take to the sky, armored cars to roll out. Make sure to pursue and attack them.

“Also, inform the garrisons along the way to seek a chance to rescue commander-in-chief Saxon."

The subordinate asked, "What if we still didn't have a chance to rescue General Saxon up till the last moment?"

Cody said ruthlessly, "If they reached the Purgatory Lake area and we still didn't have a chance to rescue the General, then command the fighter jets, helicopters, and armored Cars to open fire. Ensure both the enemy and General Saxon are dead." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Yes sir!"

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