Salute To The General

Chapter 1797
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Chapter 1797

While Clifford was taking a break in his private jet - Firedrake One, he heard a thunderous rumble outside.

It was so loud that he sprung up from his nap.

His personal guard, Quent, walked toward him in big steps.

Clifford then asked in a deep voice, "What's going one

Quent went on to explain, "We're fifteen minutes away from the base of the North Army. They have deployed several fighter jets to welcome us and at the same time ensure the safety of our jet."

Upon hearing that, Clifford leaned forward and looked out of the window.

Indeed, there were several fighter jets that flown side by side with their jet.

Quent then passed a communication device to Clifford. A voice from the device greeted him, "Welcome, Sir!"

"We're from the Air Force of the North Army. The General has instructed us to welcome you and ensure your safety in our region."

Clifford looked into one of the fighter jets and noticed one of the pilots greeted him with a military salute.

He squinted his eyes and said affably, "Thank you.

"Not at all, Sir!"

Clifford responded with a grin, turned off the device, and returned to his seat.

Quent gave him a confused look. "Sir, they said they're here on the General's order. Did we mistake Bay from Channing for Nathan?"

"Impossible. That Bay is a suspicious figure. I'm pretty sure he's Nathan," Clifford snorted.

Nheless, Quent was still in doubt. "But these fighter jets..."

Clifford let out a mirthless laugh. “The North Army must be trying to cover up for their beloved General. Let's see how long they can play this game with me."

Some ten minutes later, the Firedrake One touched down at the airport of the North Army's base.

"Welcome to the North, Sir."

Fang brought commanders like Destroyer and Heptskill and tens of thousands of soldiers to welcome Clifford's arrival.

Soon after that, Clifford and Quent walked down from the jet, waved at the soldiers, and greeted them with a smile.

He could not help but look in Fang's direction; Nathan was nowhere to be found.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

A corner of his mouth quirked up.

Upon receiving the ceremonious welcome from the North Army, he looked around and asked, "Where's the commander-in-chief, Nathan Cross?" Fang had to make up something on the spot. "The General ordered us to welcome you, Sir, as he's still busy handling some urgent matters. He'll bejoinmg us soon.

Instantly, Clifford expressed his dismay. "Busy?

What is he busy with? I'm here to inspect the North Army on behalf of the Cab, yet he kept himself busy with something else? Has he no respect for me or the Cab?"

"Sir, the General has the utmost respect for you..." Fang started breaking out in a cold sweat.

Quent stepped in and asked icily, "Did you not understand Mr. Davier's question? He asked where is your commander-in-chief, and what is he doing? Answer Mr. Davier right now."

Words stuck in Fang's throat as he did not know what to say anymore.

Clifford squinted. "Is there anything you want to tell me but didn't have the guts to do so? Did you hesitate because Nathan is not in the North?"

At that, Quent shot daggers at Fang and all the commanders. "War might break out anytime in the North, yet the commander-in-chief is not around. What if the enemy strikes at this hour? What are you going to do?" Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Even so, Fang tried his best to defend Nathan. "Who says the General is not here?"

"Since he's here, why didn't he show up?" Clifford asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

Fang had no choice but to continue making up stories. "The General will come and meet you once he has taken care of the urgent matters, Sir. We've prepared a welcoming dinner for you, and the General will be meeting you real soon." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

However, Clifford did not believe his words. He smirked and asked Fang, "You've worked hard to climb up to where you are now. You better not say the wrong things and sacrifice your career in the military. I'll give you one more chance where is Nathan?" Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

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