Salute To The General

Chapter 1785
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Chapter 1785

Two men in black brought over a chair and placed it right before Thomas and Ivan.

"Judging by the locks on your faces, I guess you're aware that I'm from the Davier family,” Arnold took a seat casually as his lips curled into a slysmile

“I'd go so far to even say that you guys know perfectly well why you're here.

"So, are you planning to enlighten me?”

Ivan kept mum

Thomas mocked, “I have no idea what the hell you're trying to say. If there's nothing else, I'd suggest that you release me right now.”Arncld snickered at his demand. “You severely injured our butler. Don't expect to walk out of here alive today.

"However, I can promise you this. If you're willing to answer my questions truthfully, I will grant you a quick and painless death.

“You know, in some cases, a quick and painless death may even be too much to ask for.”

Stumped, Thomas's face fell

Ivan's face turned ghastly pale. Both of us were abducted here. If an excruciating death awaits Thomas, I don't suppose that I'm going to be farbehind him.

Gritting his teeth, Thomas bellowed at Arnold, “You're nothing more than the dog of the Davier family! Just kill me if you wish to see me dead. If I evenmutter a sound, you're more than welcome to label me as a coward.”

Arncld grinned. “No rush.” “Before Killing you, I'm going to need you to clarify something for me.”

"Penny Smith has a mysterious bodyguard that goes by the name Bay Cross. Who is he, actually?”

Even though there was no discernible change in their expressions, their hearts were actually thumping wildly in their chests.

They were thinking the exact same thing. So they're really after the General. The Davier family is already suspecting that Bay is in fact the General.

Arnold's eyes darted from Thomas to Ivan, and then back on Thomas again. Nonchalantly, he asked, "Who is going to answer my question,gentlemen?”

Ivan spoke first. "I do not know the man. I met him only once when I was on a blind date with Kylie Torkins. Mr. Davier, you've got the wrong guy.Please let me go."

Arncld shook his head. "This is not the answer I'm looking for!”Thomas spoke up as well. “Bay Cross is a lieutenant colonel of the North Army. Our commander-in-chief has arranged for him to protect Mrs. Cross.“Toe the line, Mr. Davier. Or else the General will not let you off easy.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

“This is not the answer I'm looking for either,” Arnold smirked

“ think Bay's a fake identity. His iinformation in the military is muchtoo cornprehensive to be true. I'veeven sent someone to investigatehis hometown, and the fact id thatnossuch person exists. Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

“Not only did the North Army help Bay fake that information, but the guy is also so powerful. So who is he, really?”

Arncld looked at the two men before him and smiled. "How about this? I'll let any one of you live if you're willing to tell me who the guy really is.”"Remember, there is only one chance to live.

Whoever lets me in on the secret will get to live.”

Thomas and Ivan grimaced, but neither of them uttered another word.

"So both of you are not willing to disclose it? Fine!”

Arnold then summoned Finlay.

The latter Knew what he should dos.He took ¢ Sut a sharp dagger and ~smiled-sinisterly as he made his’ waytoward Thomas. In a swift motion,he stabbed the man's thigh Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ~~

In just a split second, Thomas flinched from the excruciating pain.

However, he did not make a sound.

Finlay was surprised by the man's tough attitude. He snickered and turned the dagger gradually, attempting to prolong the man's agony.Thomas widened his bloodied eyes. The acute pain twisted his face as he gushed with sweat.

Still, the man did not relent and kept mum.

Finlay retracted the dagger fromThomas's thigh At the sight of hisbloody thigh Finlay said admiringly,“The North Army is famed for itsruggedness. Even though you'reretired from the army, you stifl havetheigor I in you." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org o

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