Salute To The General

Chapter 1769
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Chapter 1769

Nathan responded with a faint smile, "All the fighters of the Goldstein family kept coming at me and besieged me. Besides, Alan Goldstein said hewould order his subordinates to shoot

I. me!Upon hearing his words, Gillian, Alan, and the others flinched, and their faces were ashen.

Zach's expression darkened, and he immediately instructed Aiden, “Disarm and arrest all these people from the Security Department! We mustimpose harsh punishment on them!”

“Yes, Admiral!Aiden waved his hand. Instantly, his troops rushed toward Alan's subordinates, who were disarmed and arrested on the spot.

Zach remained angry and shot Gillian and Alan a cold stare. “How dare you bully my brother! You think the Goldstein family is above the law and freeto do whatever you want, don't you?”

Alan explained with a trembling voice, "Admiral Hill, we didn't know he is your brother, or else we wouldn't dare hurt him!Gillian echoed hurriedly, "That's right, Admiral Hill! Please forget about it and let us go for the sake of the friendship between you and Clifford!”Zach replied coldly, "Don't beg me! It's up to Bay to decide whether to let you go.

He then continued, "If Bay forgives you, everything will be fine. Otherwise, I don't give a damn, even if you are Clifford's mother, not to mention his ex-wife!”

Upon hearing his words, a deep sense ofuneasiness struck Gillian and Alan.

As they realized Admiral Hill had a good relationship with Bay Cross, it left them no choice but to let go of their dignity, apologize to Bay, and beg forhis mercy.

Nathan sarcastically asked, “Didn't you want to kill me? Why are you so scared now?”Anger flared across Gillian's face, but she dared not speak.Though resentment blossomed within Alan, he supplicated, "Mr. Cross, we have offended you. Please forgive us and let us go.

Nathan replied coldly, “I have previously let Ceaser Goldstein off twice and warned that there won't be a third time. But all of you keep looking for


Alan hurriedly said, "No! Mr. Cross, we promise we won't do it again.”

Gillian wag used to looking down oRothers due to her high status.However, she was then forced to’beg § for mercy. “That's right. b hpromise it won't happen again!”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Nathan responded ruthlessly, “That's not enough!”

He then continued, "You dare to threaten Mrs.

Nathan sneered, "If she agrees to let you go, we'll let you go and allow you to leave the South. Or else, you shall remain here forever!”Upon hearing that, a wave of helpless anger simmered in Gillian and Alan. They subconsciously refused to act on his request.

Zach asked in a monotonous tone, “Do you find his conditions difficult to fulfill?”

He paused for a second. "Well, don't do it! I'l kill both of you now and everything will be fine then!”

Fear trickled down Gillian's and Alan's spines.

They were so scared that they begged for mercy. “It's... not difficult at all! We'll go to Channing immediately to kneel and apologize to Ms.Smith...

Zach snorted in response.

He then enjoined Aiden, “Assign atroop of soldiers and escort thera”personally to Channing to kneel'andapologize to Mrs. Cross. Kill them onthe spot if they have any tricks uptheir sleeves!” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -

Aiden saluted and answered loudly, “Yes, Admiral!"

He then looked at Gillian and Alan. “Please leave with us now.”

Gillian and Alan left under the supervision of Aiden and his troops.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Locking at the rest of the Goldstein family, Zach instructed, "Lock them up now and only release them after Gillian and Alan apologize to Mrs.Cross!”

“Yes, Admiral!

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