Salute To The General

Chapter 1754
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Chapter 1754

Nathan pierced Leaser with a cold stare and replied in a chilly voice, "It seems like you're unwilling to apologize. You're just begging for me to kill you,aren't you?"

Leaser's eyes instantly widened. "You-

Before he could finish his sentence, Nathan had already raised his leg and landed his foot on his chest.“Ugh!”

Leaser released a pained groan as his features twisted from agony.

Everyone gasped in shock once again

The golden boy of the Goldstein family was ruthlessly stepped on by a measly bodyguard in


Nathan applied more pressure into his leg just then

Leaser felt as if the weight of a thousand tons was pressing down on him, causing his ribs to creak like they were about to snap any time. Thepressure exerted on his heart was unbearable and he felt as though it was going rupture soon

His mouth opened wide as he struggled to draw air into his lungs, with fear and despair written across his face.


Cne of his ribs had snapped.

His remaining ribs were about to be broken as well.

In the end, he couldn't take it anymore and yelled in a choked voice, "I was wrong! I'm sorry for everything. Don't kill me, please! Don't kill me...

Penny was really afraid that “Bay” would kill Leaser because things would undoubtedly spiral out of control then. Hence, when she heard Leaserapologizing, she quickly spoke up, "Bay, he has admitted to his mistakes. Just let him go.”

At that, Nathan withdrew his leg. Finally free, Leaser immediately clutched his injured chest as he took in huge gulps of air. He had thought he wasreally going to die just a while ago.

Nathan uttered, “I'd say you're quite lucky. If it were up to me, you would've already been a corpse by now. The kindness of humanity has saved you.Now get lost.”

Overwhelmed by a mixture of shock, fury and fear, Leaser scrambled to stand up. Like beaten dogs, he and his injured subordinates supported eachother and fled the scene.

Upon reaching the door, he looked over his shoulder at Nathan and the rest with hatred swirling in his eyes before storming off in anger.Nathan remarked, “I can foresee that he'll come looking for trouble again.”

At that, Penny and the others seemed to have a cloud hanging over their heads.

Penny sighed and said, "Everyone has to be careful now that we've offended Leaser Goldstein.”

After an incident like this, nc one was in the mood to continue with the banquet. Thus, everyone went home with downcast looks on their faces.

The next day.

In the VIP ward of Prince CourtHospita Ceaser was in a white =~hospital gown as he ordered hissubordinate to call his family andget them to send more mendoassist him. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -

However, when Clifford and Gillianheard the news of what happened tohim, they.were afraid that somethingdangerotls would befall him again”Thus, Hey refused his request forassistance, ordering him to return toBrirnmopolis to recuperatefirstbefore strategizing his next move.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Little did they know that Ceaser hated Penny and her bodyguard, Bay, with a passionBlinded by his thirst for revenge, he would of course never agree to go home.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

“If you're not going to help me get revenge, then

I'll do it myself!” he roared into the phone.

With that, he smashed his phene onto the floor.

Immediately after, he turned to hissubordinate, Julien Qualls, and =~instructed, “You. Notify all the boysand get them to bring every capablemap-at their disposal to assist me inChanning now!” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -

Ceaser was a member of the high society.

Needless to say, he wasn't lacking in allies who were all of the same league.

Furthermore, all of them held him in high regard. Hence, they always obeyed his orders, treating him like their supreme leader.Cn the same day, many of his rich and influential allies brought along a large number of subcrdinates with them to Channing.

In the afternoon, more than a hundred of Ceaser's allies arrived at Prince Court Hospital with two thousand men in tow, all of whom were able-bodiedmen eager to serve.

Ceaser greeted his friends with a look of satisfaction on his face. “Thank you for coming to my aid, brothers. I will forever remember this.”“Julien!”“Yes, sir!" Julien answered.

Ceaser ordered, “Tell Penny to bring Bay and Kylie to see me. If they don't come, I'H make an example of their entire family!” “Yes, sir!” Julien replied.

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