Salute To The General

Chapter 1751
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Chapter 1751

“Yes, Mr. Goldstein.”Shurm of the Terra Vanquishers then instantly lunged toward Nathan

At that, remorse washed over the hearts of the remaining members in Terra Vanquishers and Ether Battalion; they lost their chances of showing offtheir skills in front of Leaser.

When Penny and the others realized Leaser was ordering his men to kill without hesitation, the colors drained out of their facesCn the other hand, Nathan remained standing in his spot looking calm.

Some even wondered if he was too shocked to move.

Shurm was as swift as an arrow. In a blink of an eye, he was already in front of Nathan

Upon reaching his target, he raised his hand, about to slam his fist onto Nathan's skull.

It was a punch that moved at lightning speed.

Even the ordinary people could see how terrifying the punch was.

Satisfied by the attack. Leaser smiled appreciatively.

Behind him, Julien and the others could not help but cheer, “Great move!"

However, their cheers died out in the next second

Right as Shurm's fist was about to collide with his face, Nathan raised his hand to grab onto

Shurm's wrist.

Shurm's fist was now a hair's breadth away from Nathan's face, but he could no longer move his hand any closer.At that moment, Shurm’s eyes widened in disbelief as a weak sound escaped him, "You-"

Smiling, Nathan answered, “I heard the Goldstein family has countless elite fighters. Among those, the ones in the Ether Battalion and the TerraVanquishers are the most powerful. Now that I've had a good look, I realized they're just average at best.

Average at best!The very second Nathan's words were spoken, his right fist had swung into Shurm's face.Smack!

Instantly, Shurm'’s facial bones shattered as his entire face concaved inward. Blood splattered everywhere, and he crashed onto the ground in front ofLeaser. dead.

At that, Leaser could not help but furrow his brows.

In fact, many were stunned just like Leaser as they let out noises of shock.

Even Ava was'stupefied by thescene. Bay. ¥ who looked like the mostordinary person among ordinary >people, fad killed a Terra Va nquisherjust with one punch. She was rot

evensure if she could take them

down as easily as Bay had Jt ust done.

Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Staring at Nathan, Leaser snarled,"Are you the gne who injuredFaustus and killed Helge and NGermung? Hal You've some SNESNo wonder you're so arrogant. NOHowever, arrogant people alwayshave’ a short life and die terribly.Today will be your death =anniversary.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

~Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

He then raised his voice and questioned, "Who will be the one to get rid of this brat for me?”

"Viggo of the Terra Vanquishers volunteering for the task.

"Gorm of the Terra Vanquishers volunteering for the task.”

“Lasse of the Ether Battalion volunteering to complete this task for Mr. Goldstein.”

Many members of the Terra Vanquishers and the Ether Battalion were quick to volunteer for the task.

Right then, Nathan announced, "Stop fighting over this and attack me all at once.

Neither the members of the Ether Battalion nor the Terra Vanquishers had ever been looked down on so badly, so they were instantly enraged.“Brat, you've got a death wish!"

Lasse and dozens of people instantly pounced toward Nathan, ignoring how unfair it was for them to attack him in a group.

Witnessing that, Ava immediately stood up in worry, hoping to help Nathan in the fight.

However, Nathan said in a tranquil tone, "Protect Mrs. Cross. Leave these guys to me.”

By the time his words were spoken out loud, he had already strode toward Lasse and the others.

It seemed like a leisure stroll, but Nathan was swift.

For a moment, Lasse thought Nathan's figure was blurry. Before he realized what was going on, Nathan was already in front of him.Shocked and infuriated, he raised his arm to send a punch in Nathan's direction.

At the same time, Nathan raised his left hand to grip his opponent's fist as his right fist shot toward Lasse


Nathan's fist concaved Lasse's faceas blood and gore splattered ~~ =~everywhere. With the massive forcethat hit him, Lasse's head movedbackward before his body did. Then,he-was sent flying backward.Cdntent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Leaser frowned again when he saw the repeated scene.Nathan had just killed a Terra Vanquisher with one punch, and now, he had killed another member of the Ether Battalion with ene punch again

It was an alarming display of Nathan's power.

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