Salute To The General

Chapter 1749
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Chapter 1749

Fortunately for Nathan, the music ended at that moment.

The dancing crowd ceased and separated, either changing their dance partners or having decided to stop dancing.Right then, Nathan tock the opportunity to say, “That's one dance.”

With that said, he separated from Kylie.

Although Kylie was confused, she was a woman at the end of the day; the men had been the ones inviting the woman, and she had been the one toinvite Nathan to dance earlier. In other words, she could not possibly cling to Nathan and insist on another dance.

Hence, she had to split with Nathan. As she walked away from the dance floor, she mumbled under her breath, “That's strange. Why do I keepthinking he's Nathan.

However, her soft words were heard by Ava, who was furrowing her brows as she stared at Nathan.

Ava had already sensed something amiss with Bay. Firstly, she had never heard of someone named Bay in the army. Yet, he was surely someonepowerful with how he had defeated Helge and Germund so easily.

Secondly, Bay always stood in a corner, quietly watching Penny with eyes of adoration.

That was why he seemed fishy to her.

In fact, she even called Colin earlier, asking about Bay's background and hinting to him that Bay was not suitable to protect Penny.

However, Colin's attitude rendered her speechless—he told her there would be no issues with Bay, and he even asked her not to overthink it.Ava sighed at that response.

The more she thought about the ordinarylooking Bay, the more she wanted to sigh. Who is he really? Why is Colin so reassured with him as Penny'sbodyguard?

That was the exact moment she heard Kylie's mumbles to herself,

Upon hearing that, she snapped her head in Nathan's direction as suspicion rose in her heart.

Nathan had just walked out of the dance floor when a slim figure abruptly appeared in front of him before he could even sigh in relief.It was Ava

With narrowed eyes, Ava calmly queried, “Bay, you won't mind having a dance with me, will you?”

You too?

Nathan shock his head. “I don't actually like dancing. Ma'am, please invite someone else to dance with you.Lifting her chin higher, Ava commanded, "This is an order.”


Nathan stared at her in disbelief, wondering what had gotten into her.

When he locked eyes with her, he finally noticed the visible suspicion in her eyes.

Realization was quick to dawn upon Nathan

She must have noticed something. She's starting to suspect my identity.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

With no choice, he steeled himself and replied, “All right.”

Once agaifi;he entered the dance -.floor, thistime with Ava. Right then,the second song started, and he"heldone of Ava s hands as he"placed his other hand on Ava's back.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

As the two waltzed, Ava stared at Nathan's face.

She then muttered, “You don't look like him, but your eyes do.”

Nathan tensed. “What?”

In a solemn tone, she explained, “I heard Ms. Tonkins saying that you look a little like the

General. Now that I have a close look of you, your eyes do look like his.”

At that moment, the hair on the back of Nathan's neck stood up. Women's powers of observation are really out of the world!With a faint smile, he responded, “The General is my role model. I'm really delighted to hear that my eyes look like his.”Ava continued, “Which part of North Army are you from?”

Creasing his forehead, Nathan answered, "Are you asking me or ordering me to answer that?”

Ava lifted her brow at that. “Is there a difference?”

Nathan replied, "If it's a casual question, I will choose not to answer.”

Ava chuckled. “It's a casual question,but if youdon't answer me, I'l thinkabout ordering you to do so. Tell me.which part of the army are you in?"Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Smiling bitterly, Nathan muttered, “I'm part of the National Guards.”

Hearing that answer, Ava loweredher voice and cody uttered, "Theidentities of ibe ational Guards areusually Class A confidential Ninformation, and I have access torClass A-confidential information;However, when I was trying to-investigate your identity, I Warsdenied access. oreover;yourinformation details were shown tobe of the highest confidentialityclassification. What is yourexplanation for that?” Contenbelongs to NovelDrama.Org


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