Salute To The General

Chapter 1746
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Chapter 1746

As it turned out, not only did Nathan's punch shattered the iron crutch, but it even tore through Germund's organs.When Helge saw his younger brother Killed by Nathan, he howled like an injured beast.

Cnce again, he lunged toward Nathan recklessly.

Raising his foot, Nathan threw a swift kick.


When his leg came into contact with Helge's head, blood splattered everywhere.

Helge could not even scream. Like a tree struck by a mighty axe, he collapsed.

The entire area fell silent, and if a needle were to drop at that moment, everyone would hear it.

After a few seconds, the patrons in the restaurant finally came back to their senses and screamed.

By then, Thomas had come back to his senses and instructed his subordinates. “Get rid of these two. Don't frighten the patrons, especially not Mrs.Cross and Ms. Queenie.”

“Yes, sir!"

Soon, Thomas' subordinates towed away Helge and Germund's bodies.

The staff in the restaurants were also quick to clear the blocdstains on the ground.Unfortunately, Penny, Kylie, and Queenie were still stunned by the scene.

No longer in the mood to eat, they decided to return home.

Penny eventually calmed down after reaching home and said to Nathan, "Bay, there are three floors in this house. My children and I live on the thirdfloor, and my parents live on the second floor. The two guest rooms on the first floor will be your room and Ava's. Your main responsibility will be toprotect my daughter and my family. Ava will be the one in charge of my safety. Any problems with that?”

Nathan smiled. “No.”Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

After nodding, Penny headed upstairs with Kylie and Queenie.The only ones left in the living room were Nathan and AvaColdly, Ava uttered, “Bay.”

Whipping his head around to her, Nathan blurted, “What's wrong, Ma'am?”

Ava continued, “Two things you'vegot to remersber. Firstly, when youspeak to Mrs. Cross, do not smile. >Your rolélis to be an emotionless:bodyguard. Secondly, you can'tstareat herthe way you did earlierrghore Know your place: Do youUfiderstand what I meanZ“Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Nathan froze for a second before he realized what she meant.Ava was warning him from bearing any inappropriate thoughts of Penny.

At that, Nathan was unsure whether to burst out laughing or to flash her a bitter smile. Never would Ava ever imagine that he was Nathan under hisdisguise; he was her superior, and Penny's husband.

However, the Ieality was that Avadid not know:who he was. When hehad beenstaring at Penny's oretreating figure earlier, he was. >unableto stop himself from staringat hetlovingly. That was why Avahad misunderstood him. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ?

With a bright smile, he replied, "All right. I'll take note of that.”In the same icy tone, Ava said, "I have something else.Nathan wondered, “What is it?”

"When you're talking to me, I'd advise you against smiling too.”

Her reply sent Nathan dumbfounded .

While he was recollecting himself,Ava had alregdy turned to leave. As

she did, shezommented, “You'reskilled infighting. I m surprised thatyou cold defeat Germund and



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Gazing at Ava's retreating figure, Nathan furrowed his brows. "Why haven't I realized she's so arrogant in the past?Ava, who was already dozens of meters away, responded, "I heard your mumblings. I will record those too.What?

Meanwhile, at a restaurant in Babylon Hotel.

Ceaser, who was elegantly eating his meal while waiting for Penny and Kylie to meet him, suddenly received news from his subordinates that Helgeand Germund were dead.

Shocked to his core, he lost his grip on his cutlery as they fell onto his plate with a loud clang.

Fury and shock washed over him, and he rose to his feet. “What's going on? Who's the one with Penny? Who's the one powerful enough to killGermund and Helge?”

His subordinate then whispered, “IBay, and he's the one who killed Helge and Germund.”

I heard that Nathan had sent an expert soldier from the military to protect Penny and her family. This man's name is

With a scowl, Ceaser snarled, “Damn it!"

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